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The Zombie Apocalypse is HERE!!! – Realistic Minecraft
Realistic Minecraft Finale video where we have to save the world from the zombie apocalypse! With the help of our friends we make a super base and hold the fort as millions of zombies swarm in from all around us! The survival of the whole world is on our shoulders!
✅ http://bit.ly/KibzntheCap
NEW INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/kibitzandthecaptain/
• KC Twitter: https://twitter.com/KibitznCaptain
• CaptainPhresh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaptnPhresh
• ImKibitz’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImKibitz
MORE Realistic Minecraft:
Realistic Minecraft – THE WEDDING!
Realistic Minecraft – Highschool Girlfriend ❤️️
Realistic Minecraft – Highschool Girlfriend 2 ❤️️
Realistic Minecraft 3 – The Town Invasion
Realistic Minecraft: ROBLOX IN MINECRAFT?!
About Realistic Minecraft:
This Realistic Minecraft movie is similar to Minecraft in real life (Minecraft irl) and other Minecraft animation, except we make Minecraft items in real life! It’s a Minecraft funny video similar to our other realistic videos, like: Realistic Minecraft Highschool Girlfriend, Realistic Minecraft Roblox, and our other Realistic Minecraft movie videos!
• Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
#Minecraft #RealisticMinecraft
Im soo sad that the ravager dint make it
Alam ko naito
i wanna see more of this kinda lit content
Dis it’s not zombies it pigman she live in the neither
Lol the oof wait oof has to be in roblox so wrong game LOl
Make some more
Wow I love this series good job
Me too
This is stell not the end
No the end of Minecraft has been near us guys pack up because this is going to be war
It not any virus it's pigmans
which mod is this
I wonder what is next
Make more plz
Is it done
Can you make part two
Kihita u ahould mke another the virus movie 2 pls make an9ther one
Well that was a really weird ending
so wait why is us military helicopter doing here the camp place i through government ruin cause by the virus and infected
Zombie it's a zombie pig man got bite by zombie and there zombies pig
And where max
He’s like aren’t u the guy that blew up our home steve: umm yeah gaurd:alright we will just let u in
Your voice sounds like from projectjamsify…
Guns are good and rpg and you ending happy
You mean pig man apocalypse
Make another suvivor and she have a iron man suit
By bye by bye minutes.
I love all your videos cuz it's so so cool