The True Story of BANBALEENA in Minecraft!

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What’s up my doki doki daisies!? I’m Princess Hana and welcome to my video!

Banbaleena wasn’t always evil! Join Princess Hana as she dives into the sad past of the misunderstood creature from the Garten of Banban!




30 thoughts on “The True Story of BANBALEENA in Minecraft!”

  1. There was supposed to be one more thing in chapter 3 of Hoggy Waggy. Let me say that the mask is the same as Boxy Boo, and this is not a test to become Boxy with an experiment, but after Friends, he came out and became very well behaved, and then Ben Ben, who I don't know, well behaved, and then Ben 2. And after another game that I don't know the name of Hones, but I listen to a lot of songs like Shuluqe and Fanaf, it was a thousand years ago and after a new game I don't know the name of it either 🤔🤔🤔🤔 I'm 19 years old and I'm jamming.

  2. What kind of game are you playing a show like what kind of Minecraft game are you playing show I could play it and I could also kill bang bang cringe Bandolino doesn’t your dad to happen since I do not like like punch bowl band by neither he just wants to turn everybody into two dollars monster


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