The Swamp! Creating a LEGO Minecraft World

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For episode 12 of our custom LEGO Minecraft series, we visit the classic and iconic Minecraft swamp!

Click the link below to watch the Ice Spikes episode early!


42 thoughts on “The Swamp! Creating a LEGO Minecraft World”

  1. Ah yes the OG swamp my favorite part about this is the trees and detail put into this build and even though the witch hut can be kind of boring since it is all just Brown I think you did a wonderful job creating it and making it look as detailed as possible. it amazes me that you have that much blue transparent tiles leftover! Over all great build!

    another built suggestion would be if you could do a Cheese cave

  2. That ice spikes biome looks sick, will it have that lower layer that the deep dark is on?
    Also another thing is will you change the stone color to light bluish gray now that you have done the deepslate bricks in the deep dark with dark bluish gray?

  3. I realy love ur videos and especialy zhe great amoun of derail you put in
    And i have a Suggestion
    !The Coral-reff!
    Will be hard do integrate i know but stil it could be a medium sized one and maby lead the way to a monument(vilige sized)
    And a ship wreck(dessert well sized) id love to se them come to live evan if its just one of them

  4. Idea for how you could connect the nether to the overworld. Maybe you could put the nether beneath the caves separated by bedrock. That would be a lot of bricks though, and I know how expensive Lego can be. Especially with the netherrack color which isn’t super common

    A shattered savanna would be awesome, and so would a woodland mansion…

  5. Hey, I feel like an absolute nerd saying this lol, and to be honest I think you would be more mad than I am. In your Badlands video at 6:39, to the right of the bat there is a dark brown terracotta block that is a brick with one tile on top instead of a brick, a plate, and a tile on top. I really don't want to sound bad when saying this, I just wanted to say in case you hadn't seen it already. Also I would love to see you expand the nether sometime maybe. Whether that's with a crimson, warped forest, or a sick fortress; I think you'll do a good job. Keep up the great work!

  6. my oh my the ambience that this build has is lovely, i never really liked the swamp ingame as there isnt much for me there, but it is not by any means a bad biome, and this 100% does it justice!


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