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Just that there’s lots of Steve in this video for some reason.
That helicopter video (by kracc bacc): https://youtu.be/srBFFeGtp1c
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#Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks, developed by Mojang.
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Wayne Jones – Mr. Sunny Face
#PhoenixSC #Memes
the last one would be an epic easter egg if it was real
2:48 he did pretty good
A werry Good German.
Aight' ima' spam the life out of videos.
Phoenix speaks german
me: sees no comment with german context
me: thinking that i'm the only german fan
0:07 what the duck
my brain
2:47:try to speak german
EDIT: Ter fallender schleim means: The falling slime
2:56 Look it's your mom
1:53 steve in super mario 3d world
0:50 reminds me of the animations in the old flash game grow island 😀
2:06 it looks like a
I thought he was gonna replace the red stone dust with the red stone block to create a mega piston
I love this
The one where the iron golems are burning should be in the most wholesome video instead of most strangest
0:43 wtf
0:06 I really wish it was dababy
The ore transition one is awesome lol
Plot twist:I've seen some of vids here
Can we just appreciate how he never changed his outro music
Your not wrong
2:05 I had this when I first launched 1.12
2:48 haha natürlich nice dEr fÄlLendä sChlÄim
0:39 i miss crash tag team racing
Fnaf 1 ambience there buddy put copywrite you
Portemay Channel search it
I watched the ore thing before and there are more with wood and stuff
1:44 i first saw that in a peter knetter video
0:20 : https://youtu.be/RVOL25fgFR0
0:49 : https://youtu.be/PCF4qMkkKno
Bonus : https://youtu.be/pUGPNX6HYGg
0:58 why is his eye bleeding
What Happen To Steve?
Everyone’s talking about the mini, but nobody’s talking about how you get it out of the garage
@kracc bacc he used your video!!!!
I. Need. More. Of. This. PLEASE.
2:22: This is a clip from cracc bacc
Your german is pretty good
I hate you but also love you now
0:15 I can't stop laughing at this . . . XD
At least the third one is perfect