The Perfect Starter House! Let's Play Minecraft 1.21 – #1

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MINECRAFT 1.21 (Tricky Trials) IS OFFICIALLY HERE!!! Which means it is the PERFECT time to start a NEW let’s play series. Today Tobe jumps straight into this empty world and begins to transform it into the perfect survival world. Along with exploring many of the brand NEW features such as copper block variants, new tuff block variants and MUCH MORE!!!


House inspiration @Neatcraft

Don’t Forget To Like And Subscribe
Thanks For Watching!!!

Seed – [5966741473199032738]
Base Cords – X 1000, Y -5000


Usernames for social media
Twitter – @TobefoxyGaming
Instagram – @TobefoxyGaming
Twitch – @Tobefoxy50

Links Below

Invisible – Vibe Tracks
Just Dance – Patrick Patrikios
Pooka – Kevin Macleod

Investigations by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Marty Gots a Plan by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


30 thoughts on “The Perfect Starter House! Let's Play Minecraft 1.21 – #1”

  1. recently found your channel on yt and im glad I did. Awesome videos with a chill vibe and someone who knows Minecraft better than I do, so I learn something in every video

  2. lmao stop dissing this guy for making new series every 3 eps. ye its annoying but its his channel and he has this magical thing called free will. if a new series stops him burning out and quitting ytb, so be it haha

  3. Tobefoxy, I only write this because I see your potential. Your videos are really entertaining and you have an eye for designs. The actual content of these videos are up to par with the giant Minecraft channels.

    As a viewer it is really hard to get invested into a series and have it switch up all the time. Most of us don’t have the time to get reinvested into another series. And we want to see what else you will add to the world we are invested in.

    I really think you can make this your full time job (if that is even your goal) IF you keep it more consistent with your upload dates and series.

    I like your content, I like your personality. I never comment on any Youtube videos but I have to bring this to your attention because your potential in this space is high. Best of luck no matter what you do.

  4. dude i usually dont comment on videos but I cannot get invested in anything u do because u just start a new survival series every 5 episodes. I get the view boosts for newer series but no audeince that consistently watches ur videos will ever stick around. How am i going to get invested in something thats bound to end after a few episodes. Not tryna hate cuz u got potential but seems like theres a new episode 1 on ur channel every month or so. No reason u couldnt have checked out these features on ur existing world

  5. For those complaining don't blame Tobe. He's still technically a baby channel by subscriptions. Unfortunately the Youtube alg is brutal. And if you don't stream whether preference or some barrier (example youtube won't let you start streams til you reach a set of prereqs) that makes it tougher. Be nice, Tobe is doing what he can.

  6. Man, this guy is way more creative than me when it comes to building your starter home! Very nice looking! I usually just go with a pretty standard oak, spruce, and birch cabin type. I'm mainly a farmer and miner πŸ™‚


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