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@epidemic sound
#minecraft #100days
I guess you know by now. Multiple heals aren’t a thing anymore. That DID get implemented even before 1.21. And if you start with the book above 20 or 25 emeralds it will never be 1 emerald. You started efficiency at 47.
Rip parrots
longer videos are better they’re like movies
Follow my Twitch channel so you can see me live: twitch.tv/moguinyt
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This is awesome your the best for me bro❤
@13:27 The enderman didn't come immediately because when you keep the target (or "+") at their eyes they freeze.
Whats the seed
Thx for makin a vid, i needed somethin to sleep
my favourite let’s play i’ve seen for years, would love it to be a series man! 🙏🏻
how is he not popular he’s so funny i love you keep making great videos
56:43 what is that tune from??? Sounds so familiar
That is So good! Nice video man, keep working like this, you got some future here buddy
Could you do a hardcore let's play? Need something to keep me busy.
You would be good friends with @unsorted guy
This video on 'The Perfect Start To Minecraft 1.21' is fantastic! It provides clear and helpful tips for new players. If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel for more great Minecraft content! 😍😍😍
bri what is that texture pack that u marked the end portal??
that villager trade """balance""" thing is something i'm booing mojang for. seriously, BOO MOJANG BOOOO
a turd one
you r good
Amazing video!
what texture pack you use?
Your new skin is way better than the last lol
I dont wanna be rude, but your good at building in some ways and bad in others, i suggest for your walls you add random structures and depth, like a flower pot-thing with a tiny roof, or just more detailed windows and like a spruce beam and small roof on infront of the door
yo bro can you give us the seed please
ngl first time watching you. i'll be back for sure😅
Bros luck with the diamond veins is actually insane idk whether its a bedrock thing but every vein i find is 1 or 2😅 Great vid man
Bruh… Bruh…
lowresbones music in the background goes crazy 🗣️🗣️
How many mods do you need bro😭
i'm supporting u my boy
Make a mega irona with that all villagers ❤😊