The PERFECT START! Let's Play Minecraft 1.20 – #1

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

YUP! I am back at it again starting a brand new world let’s play world. Recently all I have played is HARDCORE Minecraft which I LOVE but I think it’s time to start a new let’s play world that will have a much longer future and also try to involve you guys a bit more. Jumping straight into this random seed the spawn is pretty perfect, lining us up for an epic first episode. Once getting past the early game requirements it was time to look for a place to call home. This base location is a bit different from the past worlds but I am excited to push my boundaries and creativity to see what I can build moving forward.


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Otis McDonald – Not For Nothing
Invisible – Vibe Tracks
Just Dance – Patrick Patrikios

Investigations by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Marty Gots a Plan by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


45 thoughts on “The PERFECT START! Let's Play Minecraft 1.20 – #1”

  1. This is why I love not playing hardcore. You can do what inspires you and take chances whereas with a hardcore world, you have to hyper focus on survival. And that can be fun. But I think you are demonstrating how fun it is to just play and not worry about the consequences.

    Also, I love cave bases. We don't get to see it often. And yours looks cozy and contrasts the cave really well. I am so excited for this series!

  2. I am so happy to see you back ! I kept coming back to your videos whenever I needed inspiration and kept wondering if you were alright and hoping you'd come back one day (:
    Very exited for this new series !

  3. Woo hoo!! You’re back! I’m so glad you’re ok.

    Btw, love the let’s play series. That’s one of the reasons I subscribed to you in the very beginning anyways. Hardcore is a bit overrated in my opinion. If the player truly enjoys it then all power to them, I’ll still watch, but I definitely think it’s pushed a bit too much and not necessary. We have fun when YOU have fun. 😛 keep doin you please ❤

  4. In 20 minutes I felt like I was a kid again enjoying Minecraft as a simple game as it was and still is. It's a shame that many YouTubers fill their videos with tons of content and the editing style is flashy and attention grabbing. I very much prefer more videos with less (but quality) content, like yours.

  5. I love seeing folks play without going hardcore. People seem more free to just do whatever sounds fun to them without having to worry about losing everything they've done. Really looking forward to more of this Let's Play.

    For the podzel you could just use a shove to make path before turning it to farmland. I think you could also just mine it with a regular pickaxe to turn it into regular dirt and then till it.


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