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Minecraft Live 2024 LEAKED. Minecraft 1.22 is looking amazing.
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📖 chapters
0:00 minecraft live 2024 leaked
1:25 how we got here
4:00 bundles
5:10 the pale garden
8:17 this is actually ok
8:37 the creaking
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if you read this comment “looking pale”
i think this is the earliest ive ever dropped a video. do the leaks get you more hyped for live?
I'm calling it right now the portal where you face the warden takes you to the pale garden
The Pale Garden sounds like a damn Risk of Rain 2 level
I want more lavender and pastel blocks SO BAD
Pale Garden should have ash trees aswell as the ones you said
The desperate for attention overhype on this channel is gag worthy.
You in fact did make the video I am watching ❤
Dude uses the Aether as thumbnail
what if this is an early April fools update…
YouTooz screenshot is in the end based on the sky and presence of end stone. It shows us an end with two types of ground, endstone and… is that dirt or like a pale dirt block? Also there are zombies in the end and the enderman is holding a grass block in the end. The zombies are the least important because it's probably just promo for their toy, but if it's hint marketing they have hinted dirt floor and maybe grass in the end.
Bro the facemask on your skin is cringe.
Why does everyone want an End Update so badly? WE ALREADY GOT AN END UPDATE A FEW YEARS AGO! So much was added in the End Update. New blocks, mobs, plants, biome, the End City, the elytra! What Mojang NEEDS to do is to update the other biomes that haven't been touched sense they were first introduced to the game. All the forests, the plains, the desert, the jungle, the savanna, the bad lands, the tundras, and the coasts. Once the other biomes have been updated, THEN go back and update the other biomes like the End or the Nether and improve on what is already there, not focuse their attention on just one biome/dimension and ignore the other biomes completely. I can see Mojang going back to the End and revamping it completely with new biomes, mobs, block, plants, maybe even new structures to explore, but show a little love to the other biomes first that really need it!
Looking pale
Pale garden gives me a feeling of bones, like think of a necromancer growing bones and things out of the ground. It could also play into the bravery part by having you go somewhere spooky
The creaking could be another skeleton type of mob. Though it could also be a kind of ent-like mob.
You made the video to let you know lol love your videos
"The creaking" sounds like a creature that would be in the backrooms.
An eerie biome for the overworld probably. The creaking could refer to something wooden. If we stay with the garden theme, maybe some kind of growth-covered mob. Pale-white trees maybe? dead brown/gray grass probably?
I doubt they would be adding biomes to the End 1 at a time, as people expect an End update to be the scale of the Nether update, which had multiple biomes added, along with structures and such.
Pale garden does remind me of the deep dark.
Careful spoilers in comments
when I heard the word "Pale" my mind immediately went to the end. What's the end like? Barren. Dull. A wasteland of… pale stone blocks??? Pale garden biome?? It's gotta be an end update precursor.
Adding one new biome to the End does sound like something Mojang would do.
Still waiting for ice caves, mushroom caves, crystal caves, magma caves, and coral caves.
i think the pale garden is an end biome. The creaking also.
"The Pale Garden"
"Bundles of Bravery"
"The creaking"
I think we're getting a spooky/halloween-themed update here lads
like, I'm imagining the "pale garden" being like, creepy old cemetery vibes. Idk if "the creaking" is actually the name of the mob (if it was it would've been capitalized, no?) but if it is, it sounds like a boss or miniboss version of a skeleton, or at least a bigger, slower, creepier kind. Someone else pointed out the "Bravery" part of the drop title could refer to Bedrock officially getting hardcore, but I think it could also be in reference to the spooky new biome and mob (or more specifically, what the player needs to deal with them)
It sounds like an updated Birch Biome, since everyone was complaining.
The thumbtail showing The Warden (Sculk Dimension), Light Trees (Aether Dimension) and End Portal Frame (End Update), just like my predictions.
Wait for the pale garden to be a birch biome variant
well to be fair, with the ather dev actually working at mojang, its entirely possible the biome could be suspiciously like the ather-
If there's a Wisteria tree I think I'll sob-
End update confirmed?
Minecraft 1.22 the cave dweller update
Pale garden sounds like some hollow knight mod
Those are not leaks, this information is put by choice of Mojang.