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the most stupid minecraft world records..
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the reason the timer didnt go up is because my editor cut the game & obviously forgot to cut the timer with it.
doesn't matter anyway because that round was reset lol
you really think im gonna cheat, to spawn in a boat of all things..
I did not pass out so that is good
I got a melon in 2.8 seconds
Unsubbed,cuz u killed an axolotl
the last wasn t a deepslate but a cobled deepslate
IDK why I wasn’t subed 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Very nice Mr Mau
128th comment!
Loving all the vids keep it up!
fastest time to beat 100 dumb records
You monster you said why do you have to do this but you chose to do it!!!
“Fastest to kill a axolotl”
Who would want to kill one of those cute animals!
He maid cobbled deepslate stairs
Umm how did he get that wooden pickaxe
4:35 I’m pretty sure Dom did a faster time
New subscriber here!!
Pls do more content🥰💜
0:28 you should speedrun crafting a boat
you got 6 melon slices, not a melon
why was it so hard to find deepslate, I just dig down for like 30 seconds and find tons of deepslate
I think the deepslate was actually cobbled deepslate lol does that count?
he never actually got a melon… just a melon slice
I got most of these without trying I once spawned next to a melen and got it for food in 3 secs
Btw I don’t think you need to carve the pumpkin unless it’s difrent because I play on bedrock!
he just says he gets the world record for all of these even though he didn't lol
i found melon in 10 second workd recor beat😎😎😎
I got world record for joining a world 0.000000000………1 secs
Your timer is fake
ThAts not deepslate staircase you have make cobbled deep slate stair first you have to put cobbled deepslate into furnace to make it deep slate like stone then make a stair love 💕 from India
For the melon world record, you could go to WadZee's world and get 100,000 melons 😂
He didnt got the record for fastest time to get deepslate stairs he made cobbeled deepslate stairs
Fastest time to get killed by an anvil
First step for me to break a record:
Buy minecraft!
Not sure about spawning next to an ocean to rounds in a row for the first record 🤔
Dumb record: Fastest time to chop down a jungle tree
Quickest time to craft a cookie.
Everyone join maus server now
some of these r so oddly specific lmfao
Myth if u splash a creeper with a potion when the creeper explode it will leave the potion like a lingering potion.
how did you get bow in first 5 seconds bruh
very official title
He got sand in 2 microseconds
What a absolute god!
This aren’t official world records so it’s illegal to call them like that.