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This is by far the most chad trend of all time.
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Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every video although I’m sure by now it actually doesn’t do anything but oh well
This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / tiktok / short ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.18 in 2023
The most secure base is no base
gerg is also being copied from by dylan mc
If you keep spamming ender pearls on them, then you can clip through glass panes
Little late, Wifies did this a while ago…
Best secure base in Minecraft:bruh this is behind the…….uhm…………….lol i dont Remember what was the thing
Bro thank you I knew all of those videos were trash at like 10
The most secure base is a base that contains the world spawn within an obsidian box with elder guardians…
The most secure bace is no bace its because if there is no bace to break into the bace is secure
Find a small ledge below the island, and make a piston door activated by skulk sensor and add a lock mechanism so it doesn't activate while your inside or while the pistons go off, then nobody sees levels buttons or doors, nobody finds that without cheating
The one with the chests and items that kicked you out if you cross it
Hey vsauce michael here your home security is great or is it?
Ok Ok, you might have done good, but why not the attacker mine out ALL of the end…
Nah just go under bedrock (with the super flat glitch) then go to the boarder, then there u can make a base
What about chunk banning
U can use a 1-way chunkbanner to make a base actually secure on a server
it’s not secure there just no one to test
The most secure Minecraft base is base that doesn't exist
Chunk ban. Make a bunch of chunk bans so you can’t enter pearl through. Do the same in nether. To ez
The easiest most secure base is at bedrock level below the spawn. Nobody will expect it to be there.
Most Secure Base
• World Border
• Void
Void base
Thats mastermind
"There is no such thing as a secure bease", proceeds to tell us what the most secure base is
The most secure base is a base surrounded by multiple layers of barrier blocks
The most secure base is in a single player world in an encrypted hard drive that you run over with your car so you have to pay for the drive repair fee before you can enter
100 layers of bedrock base with ender pearl machine
I agree qith u
The most secure base is the hidden base you made in single player
(why did you make it hidden this is your single-player world)
Surround it in a 31-layer thick bedrock box
I’ve made bases that are genuinely impossible to get into, but only used once
The must secure base is a server. Because you have to rig spawn with insta-kill command blocks
digs 3 blocks down and covers top and finally, crouches most secure base.
If anybody steps into my house they insta die so yeah mine is secure. Ofcourse the command doesnt apply to me
Im absolutely agree
or the prison dream was in
i recomend enabling found hud, active cam, and extra hud (set to mini)
The bass you want us to build it's not secure it's just very well hidden
Who’s watching this is 2025
As a fan of Kanadian I can agree on this because even though the base is made out of 400 layers of obsidian wither can do the trick also in one of his videos he mentions that there is a secret way of entering secret vaults that is that if you see a vault in construction you enter it and log off