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The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER
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These are the most hilarious funniest fake Minecraft 1.19 speedruns that have been submitted to speedrun.com. Talking about Minecraft speedruns are hilarious, because the people who fake them and cheat at the WORST at hiding the fact that they’re fake and they cheated. These are the funniest fake Minecraft speedruns.
I'M BACK WITH THE MILK! sorry it took me 6 months! 😂
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there's a message at the end of the video btw (fullscreen the video on your phone to read it if the end screen elements are cutting it off)
Did he not mention that Mario had 0 hearts
OMG this is so funny your commentating is amazing! LMAO!!!!
Is it weird how most of the speed runners actually don’t get the world record? 😂
This kid sounds like my bff from middle school 5:59
7:20 fake speedrunner/kid Vs An Enderdragon killer
4:42 0 HEARTS?!?!
you created all of the speedruns fake!!!!
For some reason on the second speedrun if you look at the health at one moment all the hearts are gone but he doesn't die
4:47 did anyone notice that he has no hearts left? Like if you noticed….
Me:Hey mom can we get mine craft. mom:no we have minecraft at home. The minecraft at homd
2:31 you can see a little red dot… wait…. isn't red sus? ඞ
I believe the title was supposed to say: The Most HILARIOUSR FAKE Youtube Thumbnails EVER
Mario 64 mod was second speedrun
2:11 whats this song called?
3:48 "Moeyaeng!"
That’s the Mario mod
but yet i wish there were Real
His not cheat he use mod :/
The legend has returned
Why did that person's hearts go to 0
At one point he has no hearts. (2)
sometimes when i see this kind of videos i think THEY make the fake speedruns just for the funnies :]
(Obviously not every single one but i think you get it)
Y'all know these are probably all him right?
I don't see anything wrong😐
The 2nd one is a Mario 64 mod for Minecraft, it’s really cool and he was actually burning his but when he bounced on lava, also he has a Mario 64 model which is why he didn’t have a character in the inventory screen. Hoped this helped unless you knew this and were being sarcastic.
Edit: also they couldn’t die.
Edit 2: I didn’t watch the whole video
Most ridiculous fake speedruns
bro i think he just made it up and the spedrunner is just him
Me : seee the guy with 0 hearts 4:42
Him: iiiiii ammm immortal
Bro idk what you mean but this is totally believable 🤨 what r u stupid or somting
its very obvious that these are all your clips that you uploaded
he does the speedruns btw if u didint know i think u know by now
What happened were were you
Did any one notice that the last speed run has his hand on the wrong side
I may be wrong but the second fake speedrunner is using a mod that morphs him into mario from mario 64, thats why there are mario voice, small, and no hunger bat
How do you find these videos pls tell me
no no its real alr
The first one fell because he was in creative mode
Bro the first one i saw a floating obsidian so i think his friend build it when his friend was invinsible