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The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns
DISCLAIMER: Please do not submit fake runs to speedrun.com or any other speedrunning sites! The verification team has a hard enough job as it is, and spamming the site with fake runs for comedic value wastes their time.
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Mansters video – his speedrun is a joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHCafVUEkPI&t=704s&ab_channel=Manster
This video contains some of the funniest fake Minecraft speedruns on the face of the internet, some coming from obvious trolls who just want to make some people laugh to some children who have no idea what they are doing. This video contains it all!
Normal Minecraft speedruns contain a plethora of Minecraft strats and Minecraft tricks to advance through the game and beat the ender dragon, but these speedruners take it to a whole new level with their funny runs
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I can respect that the guy named his bow taco Johnathan
I don’t know something about this makes me think they’re all real these are definitely real how could they possibly be fake
R.I.P xQc's Table :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0
All of these guys are speedrunning
Just without the rules
ok first guy definitely got banned, second guy may have gotten a ban but that would depend on how they see it and third person… what can i say? the mods probably be like "awe now that's cute kid"
Dream is a cheater too
the coolkid name syas it all

But all fake speedrun i not too rage but i hate the don't know speedrun rule guy
The second person turned on cheats but you dident notice it.
Bruh l will never download Minecraft game because it gave me parents
Control l left off
I don't know if I should be laughing or be concerned
before the vid started I got Rick Rolled by an ad…
Wait tho I've never done a speedrun, him saying that it's illegal to pause the time, does that mean if I have to go to the bathroom, I have to keep the time running, Losing time, when I am not even at the game
are you camden bell
I really hate how dream is always mentioned,
I feel like that first guy just pulled a za warudo at the beginning
see sometimes im genuinely confused because some people dont act like it but they know all of these fake speedruns was for the laugh and not actual speedruns
the person has a beskar armor, take out a nuclear bomb, blom out the nederite dragon, instantly grab the esmerald egg, beat the game
Camdeeno: seems legit
Hay if niga would

Anyone gonna talk about how during bedwars in the background he was getting like 930 cps
It’s funny how most of them didn’t even beat the actual world record even with cheats
Ha ha cool
Fun fact: set seeds can be allowed but dont use it too many times
Where caan i see these
Bro THEESE SPEEDRUNs are so fake and funny! They are obviously fake
"The worst she can say is no"
She: "Rejected: i laughed"
If his voice was only just SLIGHTLY squeakier he would sound very close to Skeppy.
one was glak jack
What does lmao mean if you meant laughing my butt off why u didn't say Lmbo? Pls tell me I'm so confused