The Minecraft Villagers Capture You 2 August 10, 2024 by ReidBoehm Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ source
Steve goes to court for his crimes again. But the villagers learned form their mistakes and has put Steve in adventure mode. Reply
I have an idea for a skit: vice city police officers dealing with players again after all the years Reply
you can leave the game then turn the adventure mode off if you cant leave just close the Minecraft make a new world Reply
Bro could've just left the game and turned cheats back on
Deletes the world
Lol you could just quit and turn on cheats
Delete the world, show them no matter what? You are in control
Just delete the world
Steve goes to court for his crimes again. But the villagers learned form their mistakes and has put Steve in adventure mode.
Just leave and change the gamemode
Steve – alright I had enough
Pulls out the Minecraft code
Host a lan world and turn back on cheats XD
Now I don’t feel nearly as bad
I have an idea for a skit: vice city police officers dealing with players again after all the years
I mean, he can threaten them that he will delete the world
If I was him I'm deleting the sever
He'll just turn on the cheats by sharing the world on LAN lmao
The weakest steve in the world:
Bruh he just has to make a new game
Wait till he leaves and deletes the world..
you can leave the game then turn the adventure mode off if you cant leave just close the Minecraft make a new world
This doesn’t make any sense let Steve use his hands and he will be free soon
Escaoe -> open to lan -> cheats on
Bro forgot that this is MINE craft.
Imagine he deleted the world
No bro Steve tried to summon his domain
Steve:clicks delete world button
You forgot one thing I can delete this" world
You should get steve to delete the world
Lets do steve villan ark
I got an overpowered button called "delete world"
Just log off and delete the server they will instantly die
Him respawning and delete the world
All the mobs: nice job genius
What if the world is hardcore?
Villagers try this with me while I got mods on they getting cooked in 2 seconds by a Pokémon
Pause the game, turn on peaceful mode,
Open LAN:🗿
Can we get how minecraft steve gets stronger 4?
Open LAN world change to creative
Delete world and world back up 🗿