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There’s seriously so many people in this one you guys but my teammates are
Music From:
Thumbnail Artist:
Connor Goudie: https://twitter.com/ConnorGoudie
You know as gay and male as I am I can’t help but wish babies were possible for meeeeeeeee without all the biased workers and bs paperworkkkkk
Moo NEEDS to have his daughter do his outro now 😂
Wtf was that second court scene about 🤣
Can anyone tell me the Texture pack he’s using
10:00 that is sooooooo CUTEEEEE!!!
Watermelon whiteclaws J✨AIL✨
6:30 if only GTA was like that
I love Moo's daughter! She's so sweet!
“Chat I want one! Who wants to get pregnant!” Killed me
I was crying just how adorable that was
Cuteness Overload!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
You’ve got a good kid mister moo.
daddy moo is so wholesome
everyone: watching
me: Daughter ????/
Marcel is like that super overly excited uncle when it comes to munchkin moo
I think this is the first time I’ve seen Brock not have any midrolls
The most I’ve ever laughed at a video!
what resource pack is that
When I don’t see Vanoss: 😢
9:33 – Wait, Marcel said it right? 🤣
I need to know who the one playing the judge at the end is. I need to watch their videos now
I don't know why but the video, the sound is weird as if everything is behind me.
Oh no I just realizes he’s in a team with two of the worst Minecrafters besides jiggles.
🙏😱everyone of my favorite YouTubers on the same server like chilled and ze are gonna mess everything up but that’s what they do best 😂😂😂😂
9:35 XD
I find it funny that marcel says "I want one, who's trying to get pregnant"
What should we be called?
Scotty: "The Banana Bus!" 🥺
Marcel & Brock: "NO." 😑😑
Nuuuuuuuuuu! Moo Lil' left us too soon! She's too cute!!!!!
Yo Milton sounds like star scream from Transformers 😂😂😂
nogla would be so glad to see that moo taught his daughter his outro😂
Milton sounding like frieza lol
"BURN! ahahaha." Is a bit psychotic Moo
Brocks daughter saying noglas outro is revolutionary
Wait a minute……… theres something wrong…….. how many friends or stangers did you guys actually invited hold on this is actually weird because alot of us never knew who they are we do know wildcat and terrorizer and fourzer0 and basically
I think I re watched the court segment 7 times😂
How to farm awwwwws
It good to be a dad while playing Minecraft with your daughter.
The courtroom scene had me dead 😂
Omg moo’s daughter is so adorable ☺️🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 and especially when she said pwease