Its possible to go by elytra, launch urself 50k blocks with tnt machine, have inv full of flight duration 3 fireworks and 10 maxed out elytras, it will be possible to pull off, however u cannot build there, unless u send a flying machine to attach to, but that would take forever this comment only explains how crossing the gap is possible (use fireworks to go up only about once per minute to keep altitude and switch out elytra when lowers)
"Wow! I didn't know that!" I wonder how many hours my guy had to place a bridge of 150,000 blocks, then build the loneliest house, then break 150,000 blocks just to upload this video.
I can’t be the only one to notice that he spelt loneliest wrong
Why are there so many robux scam bots in this comment section?
Give a 2b2t player 10 minutes and they’ll find it
"What'd you go to jail for?"
"I cut off the tags on the mattress."
Proceeds to run
who says you can't build 75,000 blocks????
I think it spawns with neterite
grab 2 dirt place one then another then break the other then well u get it
Anyone else notice this music is also in Pokémon go
Its possible to go by elytra, launch urself 50k blocks with tnt machine, have inv full of flight duration 3 fireworks and 10 maxed out elytras, it will be possible to pull off, however u cannot build there, unless u send a flying machine to attach to, but that would take forever this comment only explains how crossing the gap is possible (use fireworks to go up only about once per minute to keep altitude and switch out elytra when lowers)
100% fake. The house doesn't generate.
The location of the house feels like in middle of the biggest ocean in the world.
Or he built a house in the middle of the end
So that's where my house went!
you fool
I like birch
this looks capper than my dog coming back
How about bedrock edition. You can place blocks midair
"The only way to get there is a flying machine"
Me: /setblock ~ ~ ~ dirt
Most sus house in among us in ohjo at 30000AM
Camman never fails to flex his beast pc
Oh i remember that house
you spelt loneliest wrong
Why couldnt you bridge there? Sounds like a "fun" challenge
“You can’t build it because there aren’t any blocks to attach to”
/setblock has left the chat
Wow! A house about all of us!
“Oh frickidongles! I forgot to get wood!” 💀
PWgood get where on flying base
"Wow! I didn't know that!"
I wonder how many hours my guy had to place a bridge of 150,000 blocks, then build the loneliest house, then break 150,000 blocks just to upload this video.
Nah that’s a prison
I didn't even know that exists
background sound is a killer sound
U could also use commands to place a block but in survival yeah