The INFINITE Potential of Minecraft's NEWEST Command

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Minecraft 22w03a added the placefeature command… It’s a game changer.
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Minecraft 22w03a is a snapshot for Minecraft 1.18.2, meaning we’ll be able to mess around with the new placefeature command sooner rather than later. There is so much potential for Mojang to improve and expand upon this command.

0:00 Intro
2:00 22w03a’s Other Features
3:05 The “Place Feature” Command!
5:23 Let’s Experiment w/ It!
8:55 Infinite Wonder, Endless Possibilities

» Furx

» YouTube Audio Library (Atlantis)
» Epidemic Sound (Computer Wiz, Pm, Rethinker, Soaring)


39 thoughts on “The INFINITE Potential of Minecraft's NEWEST Command”

  1. Yo! I did some audio adjustments in this video, so let me know if you feel my microphone settings sound good, or sounds too bass-y.

    ALSO, sorry for the long amount of time w/o a video. Went through a lot this month, but I'm doing really quite well right now, and think I'll be good moving forward. I have another video due to release this Saturday 😉

  2. I think the place cave idea would be nearly impossible to implement (without rewriting the world generation code), because caves are generated using perlin and simplex noisemaps, as opposed to features which are placed like sprinkles on a donut.

    edit: I haven't actually looked at the code to find out, there is a good chance they used something called "perlin carving" which still uses perlin noise, but only to determine how a cave is carved, not directly mapped to where a block is and isn't.

  3. The bonus chest and iceberg examples you showed make it look like an evolving King of the Hill- styled mode would be possible. Players have to fight their way to the top, knocking anyone off in their path

  4. So no infinite village? great… where is the structure system? i had to use a flatworld with custom data to make infinite village mixed with every other infinite structure. oof.

  5. To be honest I'd really like to have a way for a block to behave like a completely different block. Think stone behaving like a fluid or an oak log behaving like tnt. I feel like that would have massive implications for mapmaking and breaking the game, but I have no idea how Mojang would implement that. Definitely intriguing to me in concept tho.


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