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Minecraft 1.20 snapshot 23w05a is here with even more changes to the new armor trim mechanic, adjustments to how you make netherite, and even more! In this snapshot trims can go on leather armor, how to find armor trims has changed, and more! In this video we look at everything new or changed in Minecraft java edition snapshot 23w05a!
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if you read this comment the best armor trim color
if emerald is the best trim, what is the best set of armor to trim?? is it actually leather now?!
On bedrock we could all use a hot swap just java couldn't
I did the math, and with the new update there are now 7,381,977,350 different armors in Minecraft, for perspective that's the same as the world population in 2015.
Im not a bog fan of the new way of working with netherite
I feel like its a little too much kinda
Idk if im the only one who thinks that
We should have the ability to equip HD skins.
First time I opened up that new world maker, I legit at first thought something I did changed my mods and that I may have accidentally opened my modded MC instead of the snapshots lol! I was so confused!
Now let's hope for trimmable horse armors 🔥 and tool and weapons
we need little unique buffs, just a little one maybe even a debuff or two to each trim
I think netherite armor isn't that big of an upgrade from diamond armor really, so making it harder to get might just incentivise players to not bother upgrading to netherite
i hope this come's to bedrock!
I love the two new parity changes, hopefully soon enough all the things better on bedrock will be ported over
Now Mojang needs to add the ability to use Glow Ink Sacs and make the trims glow in the dark! How cool would THAT be?
I'm glad to see the armor-swap-from-hotbar thing. I've been wanting that for a while.
I don't like how templates get used up. I know you can duplicate them, but I know some day I'm going to forget and accidentally use up my last one. I honestly don't see the purpose of making them consumable if they are also replicable, other than to make you hunt for diamonds
This proves 1.20 is gonna add so much cool things
I like the netherite change. I never bothered to go to bastions before so now there is a real reason to do so
The Drip Update
They should let you craft duplicate smithing templates with gold instead of diamonds. And just take 4 netherite scrap (no gold) to make a netherite ingot. Then it would be fine.
Am I the only the one who thinks that the all the trims that if you put the pre onto that same piece it looks like a suit? (Especially the diamond and netherite.)Also I feel like the old world screen is better is that just me?
6:11 "Holy crap!!! Lois! I'm on Minecraft!!"
Sideways 8 = infinity symbol
As for netherite template they should put it in all nether structures
I think the Netherite upgrade tablet is a good way to slow down the progression of a single player world and encourage exploration, but from my experience in multiplayer games is that things get looted fast and mess up other’s progression. In my opinion the tablets (upgrade or trim) should be tradable with villagers and piglins, and just remove the ability to duplicate them.
I would really like to try these trims, but trying the snapshot, they're not there? Nevertheless, these trims are insanely cool.
that create new world screen hell nah looks like its in inf def game