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GeminiTay is playing modded minecraft on the new life smp! Today we are working on our super hot blaze base. Adding some create mod farms, and a new modded greenhouse with plants from the nether. We also help Jimmy with some create mod along the way!
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Recorded with Replaymod https://replaymod.com and OBS
Minecraft version 1.19
Gem is great, Gem is the hottest person on the server… Gem keeps ending up with bits that make her talk herself up. And entirely reasonably, Gem IS great and hot and smart xD
Gem, asking Jimmy if he'll drink a potion and not ask questions.
Jimmy, resident himbo: Sure!
Gem, instead of a green house, it could be a sun room!
loving the gothic church vibes going on
Nether wart grows better in darkness so Gem should put some tinted glass or move her nether wart farm. Love the new and hot fire phase!
Put a flower emoji if gem is you fav YouTuber
Gem i think water wheels work with lava as well
Love your videos🙂🙂👍👍👍👍👍
The way you keep repeating that your hot and awesome is very reminiscent of Joel lol
Can you get budding amethyst with create?
Will u do a cottage core let’s play with the new update I am a long time viewer and would love to see this
Gem is so nice even when she’s trolling lol
Does anyone know if the new life mod pack is available or at least know all the mods on it?
HIPPOS ARE NOT HOT? Have you seen moto moto?!,!
gem u could use lava instead of water to run a water wheel and question can u make a infinite lava source in new life with all the mods when i watched tangos and the other hermits in the create world us a large lava pit as a infinite lava source u can also do it with any other liquid
Gem did you voice Peridot in Steven Universe.
Gem, how do I show you fan art?
I don't know why each time gem says "hot" I have flashbacks of a certain empire's god. 😅
I love gems house she really gives me cottage core ; )
Empires toy Jimmy is back 22:47
Your ability to combine different build types is inspirational. Amazing work as always Gem!
You asked for tomato advice, eggshells are actually really great for them.
GeminiTay, you should upload more hermitcraft videos because you haven’t in a month
We all know gems got to make a greenhouse in every house she builds
you should keep all your old houses and such from when you where other mobs I think that would be pretty cool to look back and be like wow I remember when I was a bee and such😊. love your videos can’t wait for another one😊
Gem becoming the Queen of automating things with the create mod slowly every episode;
Anyone else noticed the double voice at 27:46?
This series would improve without create mod. Create is not fun. The super powers are enough.
Love the Eye of Sauron tower!👁
Hi, Gem! I have a question. How do we submit fanart??
Thank you for your entertaining video. I used it to distract myself and keep myself from snacking while I make soup.
"this was submitted by Your Mom" caught me so off guard that i had to replay that part again to make sure i didnt just go crazy😂
Can’t believe Gem would betray us and call herself cool 😒
Gem is hot!!!
The interactions with Jimmy were the best especially when he tried to put ur flame out lol
Something you might like more but is quite niche is dark naturalism, like along with the alchemy you could build a botanical basement to the tower and grow nether plants
Episode 3 Hardcore Minecraft Where?