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The Funniest Fake Minecraft Speedruns…
I play funny scary game Lethal Company
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MORE Fake Minecraft Speedruns ►
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5:12 creative mode
8:51 it’s an amogus 8:51
The Funniest Fake Youtuber Speedrun of All Time Reacting To The Funniest Fake Minecraft Speedrun of All Time
These seem pretty legit I mean they deserve trophies
that second one is just for fun its just obvious
It say lol 13:05
15:06 Ton 618 GD soundtrack
bruh you can get 5 iron from a Iron golem
what do you mean?
5 iron is the max you can get
11:24 pretty sure 5 is normal
8:02 that guys playing on crafting and building not minecraft
dude its a JOKE
Did you blow your voice out or something?
The first one could almost get me
These speedruns have such extreme “trust me bro” energy to the point where it sounds like a story you’d hear on a playground in primary school
just wanna say, this youtuber is faking the fake speed runs. i.e. intentionally making obviously fake speedruns to get the views and impressions
5:26 Welcome to the backrooms
12:37 new feature
4:19 we all just going to ignore the missing silver fish spawner?
you can get 5 ingots from a golem its a decent golem drop tho
0:15 crafting furnace
!!! bruhhh the dude streakify was joking his run and litterally called it"FAKE SPEEDRUNS BE LIKE" it was a joke the entire time it wasn't a a cheat now I'm wondering how many other of those speed runs are just jokes
Look up his channel ur making the dude look like a cheater he is has a sense of humor
Do more pls

ngl they think we are little kids
bro 5 iron ingots CAN drop from iron golem
You forgot to mention that blocks dont generate like seen in 1:59–2:00
15:37 maybe it's fake, but also well made, 10/10 for the idea
my speed run was real:)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6TJo2tb9Fc&ab_channel=Potatobob_Jr debunk that one @Ayundaru
I thought this was going to have like “dream” faked speed runners but no these are funny
You can actually get 5 iron ingot from a golem
We need to create the fake speedrun cinematic universe
The stacks of bread is soooooo fake.
Minecraft voice
btw you can get 5 iron ingots from an iron golem!
Does this guy know that all of these “fake speed runs” are just comedic parody’s? You could just react and laugh to these, but you’re acting like these people are being serious. I don’t know why I watch your videos when I can just watch theirs.
6:50 lol
Where i can watch such speedruns on my own?
11:30 u actually can get 5 iron ingots from a golem every time i kill him i get 3-5 ingots
3-5 Iron Ingots is the drop for the Iron Golem so that fake speed run does still have that at least.
It said lol!!!!
first started looking down, so fake using a cut
could be portal mod