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The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…
I found some of The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns… in 1.17 that have been submitted… In this video, I talk about these runs and break them down, and it was insane.
You may have seen some of the videos like “The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft SPEEDRUNS…” or maybe “Hilariously FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” and “These are the FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” but this is also close to linus studios’ ”The Most HILARIOUS, The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” and ”Minecraft’s The FUNNIEST FAKE or Speedrun Speedruns…”
0:00 – Intro
0:44 – Fake Minecraft Speedrun #1
5:27 – Fake Minecraft Speedrun #2
Subscribe and make sure to watch the whole vid to see a speedrun submitted by DREAM!
King of fake minecraft speedruns
I I believe in you to be the best and strongest youtuber on the planet
Congratulations to everyone who found this comment early(and no I am not a bot)
Thank you master Glak Jack
Ur always pog
Keep up the good work, I hope you hit 1mil subs by 2023!
I love your videos and I hope you do more of these!!!!😍😍😍😍😍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Just smashed the sub button
(・∀・) i love it how you solve everithing
ender playz is legit
Love ur vids I get excited every time I see them 😄❤
I love these types of videos xD
No dislikes let’s go
How many times does he exaggerate how many things are in the chest
He needs to go to math class
Lol, its funny how some people didnt beat it and also didnt get wr. I have a speedrun in my channel where I beat the game in like 3 min! (Im one of the gold in the gold mine of pocket edition! 😉
Ah yes cave beds.Nocie
Little to close to my name
I think its legit this guy just have an good gaming chair and alot of luck
First guy don't know how to play minecraft😂😂😂
The first is a Java in Android phone this packs in Java which Android
Good Gaming Chair – CGC
The guy with the stuff on his screen was playing on lunar client I play on it
Pls watch mine
You Making Fun of Others Because You The Best Minecraft Speedrun World Record
the first one uses lunar client, wich is basicly a modpack
These were both jokes
he is using lunar client that is why there are keystrokes
Do these ppl actually think nobody will suspect that it is fake
556 HAHA