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These are the FUNNIEST and WORST fake 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns I’ve EVER seen… Enjoy!
I found some of the MOST HILARIOUS and WORST fake Minecraft 1.18 speedruns that have been submitted… In this video, I talk about these runs and break them down, and it was insane.
You probably saw my last few videos like “The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft SPEEDRUNS…”, “Hilariously FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…”, and “These are the FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…”, where I covered the same fake speedruns topic, but this is PART 9, and in MINECRAFT 1.19… I hope you enjoyed!
#linusstudios #minecraft #speedrun
Video from intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYh61-pRAuw
What’s the first music
It's a bit unfortunate, but i would say the majority of these runs are STAGED by Linus and aren't actual runs. Evidence:
The names displayed via achievements in chat mostly look the same, even though they are blurred out: " ||||||_|||||||||||| "
You can change your IGN every 30 days, so Linus could have easily changed it for other runs. But something else much more challenging to fake is your computer hardware. Nice RTX 3060, AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-core CPU and identical monitor EVERY SINGLE SPEEDRUNNER is rocking in the F3 menu. (Top right corner)
The runs feature simply unnecessary details that no one would just add in when they're faking a run. An upside-down cow, a strip mine for no reason, things that someone faking a run would just not be bothered to add in, and only serve the purpose of making the run look even more ridiculous to increase viewer attention and to give something for Linus to talk about.
So yeah. This is probably an alt account that Linus bought for 25 bucks (and probably a bedrock account as well) that he is using to fake these speedruns.
Now I can't say that ALL of the speedruns are faked- (The very first episode I highly doubt is simply because Linus had no idea how massive it would become), and lots of the runs i simply have no evidence to prove them fake. As always i will assume a run real until proven staged, but for so many of them that simply isn't the case.
I understand that this is all in jest and not meant to be taken seriously, and I am just a stranger on the internet poking fun at a teenager making thousands of dollars on a job they (hopefully) enjoy more than any job i'll have in my life, but just felt like sharing my findings.
Enjoyed the video, again, no hate intended, don't harass anyone please, goodbye.
its fake if its rsg 1.19 unless your doing a challenge
0:56 why would any good runner go for that??? I bet if someone sent you the world record and told you it was fake you would believe it
Its Fack
I Spond underwater in creative when I Spond
0:37 "Strange block placements" in lava pools are not a clear sign of it being tampered however not having stone around the lava is a clear sign of tampering. The run is already fake as we can see the potions in the brewing stand and the blaze powder meter being full.
0:53 Not jumping into the stables part of the bastion is perfectly fine as the runner could know the placement of the chests or be trying to collect a specific gold patch. This is not suspicious. Again the run is still fake due to a second portal being shown.
1:00 Correct, the amount of iron blocks is more than possible and the amount of obsidian is more than possible in a "generic" style chest. Also it is impossible to have ender pearls in a bastion chest
1:02 Although not mentioned a bucket of lava is not able to appear in a stables chest or in any bastion chest loot pool. Also too many gold blocks.
1:20 Indents like this one are not automatically considered odd until the seed is looked at to see if something has been altered.
1:34 There is a method to finding treasure chests using the entity part of the F3 screen however the world seems pretty generated to be able to justifiably use it, alongside the fact they don't use the method and simply dig down to it. As of 21w39a water breathing potions guaranteed spawn in treasure chests. The rest of the chest seems alright however could be altered.
1:42 Technically you can get around ˜30 iron in a chest like this but it's incredibly unlikely. Routing is a bit odd but not that out of the ordinary.
1:55 While multiple iron golems are technically possible it is impossible from the size of the village and that means they must have spawned them in. Them not attacking the runner means that they are either in peaceful or are made by them.
2:08 This is not world edit, however possible considering the sketchiness of the run already water does spawn this way naturally and has for a while now. It is a bug and one that could likely be being worked on. Similarly how you have path blocks under the farmland and logs.
2:16–2:17 There is splicing.
2:24 Not taking any bed is odd but still possible as piglins give string. Although "odd" it's still potentially normal behaviour.
2:43 Next run clearly uses wither a datapack or a mod so is not going to be reviewed
I'm not doing the rest they all have multiple issues.
Is there a single thing more worthless you could possibly do?
What is the point of a fake anything in a video games? Why would you fake it? Why would you care? Do people get something out of speed running Minecraft other than their username on a website?
Y are the names blurred are impersonating them
Hi Linus
the one about the water floating with no blocks under it has happened to me naturaly, but very rarely and only happened to like 2 blocks
bruh why do people try to fake speedruns and then do it badly
Ironically, these are actually fake fake speedruns. As in, you made them.
Bro what's that in ur profile pic!
Dimond is can spawn in village
You can find diamonds from villages, just extremely rare
Oh I know about the 1.19 minecraft edition
Didnt you used to make animations?
Omgoah! Is DiamOnD EnD PorTAl Is Sioo Wrare!?!
That cat love scamming
I don't think these fake speedruns were meant for the speedrun leaderboard, I think they're just skits.
His voice is so much deeper than I remember 😂😂
dream simulator
Just a question, how do you tamper with piglin trades without cutting?
It’s not fake they just have dream luck
Nice to see you back, Linus!
Did he really just say that you cannot find diamonds in a village you can but only in blacksmith so yeah it's still fake
You can get daimonds on vilage
You can find diamonds in blacksmith
🌈🔥🌌🧭✳❇💠♻🌋🌋🏁🌠❄🌞🌟🌂💥➿❇💎 God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead He'll give you eternal life
(Look up at the sky and ask God)
“Gunpowder and diamonds, both things you can’t find in villages”
Also that “friend” of yours actually deleted all of his videos k owing that he couldn’t get away with it
Man is absolutely milking this trend lol
You can get diamond in a you no what
I’m pretty sure you can find diamonds in a village..
Edit: I have found some in villages but only in blacksmiths.
Linus studios doesn’t put in things like “tOTALlY lEgIt” in the middle and that’s why I like it
No. water can generate in glitchy ways like that, being very common in savannah villages.
3:05 have you never seen a blacksmith before
Water can float over blocks it's normal thing world can build farm where water float