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thx dream for video idea!
Editor: https://twitter.com/xnoonawe
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this is very cool
Actualy you wasnt the first one to speedrun minecraft in a flat world, a brazilian yt called Void Append did it first
Illumina I am your very big fan please pin
i really thought he not gonna use f3 in this category
actually i thought strongholds in 1.18.2 was intentionally added tho
Better than my normal pb
Your superflat vid its not first
What the hell is the song in the background at the beginning with the trumpets. I swear to God I've heard it before but i dont know where from.
You could have found flint in a fletchers house.
My best speedrun was 87 minutes, while doing don’t touch grass challenge. I traveled in boat until I find a village to get a saddle and ride a horse. Even in the Nether. Cuz I count the crimson and warped « nether grass » as grass.
Anyone realised that this is a video not a love stream. Also, love your vids illumina. I've been here from the beginning with different accounts.
technically it's not the fitst flat world speedrun, ive seen it before, but cool to do it in 1.18.2
I kinda hope you go for wr in this, looks kinda fun
4:49:08 was my time
what is the shader pack called?
this isn't the first superflat,the first one was made by a youtuber named void append 1 year ago
I definitely saw a superflat Speedrun before, maybe wadzee?
To light the portal you could have started a fire with one lava bucket, then use planks to spread the fire and finish the portal.
Just light wood with lava and then make the portal. You have to get a little bit lucky though.
Hire dream as an idea consultant to reach 5 million subs before you know it.
I tried myself and got very lucky with the blacksmith but my mother luck was bad my blind was good though: 12min nether entry, 34min nether exit, 37min end entry, run complete in 42:17min
Anyone know what music was used throughout the video?
your videos cool Illumina 😀
Maybe in a super flat world speed run is not that bad to build a mob farm?
3:18 lol nice edit
5:09 did he miss the saddle on purpose?
My first time ist 33:27
shader??? he used shader wtf
Do a speed run in minecraft bedrock edition 😁
You should be able to run straight to a stronghold and use the lava under the portal to go to the nether. Seems easier than trying to find a few blacksmitha
I was resetting for a good seed. Got a blacksmith with 7 obsidian, took the 2 lava found another village with blacksmith I was in at 8 minutes unfortunately I had to walk a lot through the nether but time was : 36:43
after watching this video i straight opened minecraft 1.8.2 and started trying to beat the dragon but i failed XD
13:31 how did the bed double place? What?
Question: why do speedrunners (almost) always turn away from the iron golem when they are killing it between hits? Is there a reason for it other than using the cooldown to look around?
10:20 he missed netherite and pigstep dics lol
You could make a loooong leaf chain and light it with lava, then turn the lava into obsidian for the portal and the obsidian you already had. The leaves light it from there
The video was nice
Btw my Time was 57 min
1hr 21 min was my time i think it's decent