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"A team of auti… eh… artists"
if you want to have some fun, see new comments,
You have cemented yourself as a legend. Excited with what you will come up and I hope the vacation is good <3
Was awesome working on this project!
I was going to join, but to join the rules were too restrictive. Like I would rather be told to make something that for a fact, has not been built yet, rather than “oh you can join, but what you have built has already been built, so you’ve just wasted your time”
Why did no one just take pictures of the places in Iceland? It would’ve been easier to build
34 k views wtf
Yeah Ive been to the blue lagoon, Its pretty cool and the lagoon bed is made of some medicinal clay.
Now do the interior
i wanted to ask did you make Pakistan?
Love your passion! No matter what, you achived massive things in ur life!
i understand just building the earth
It's weird to know you're the only east african in the entire discord
I bet you didn't build my house lol
I do NOT know this to be true, but damn it sounds like u a narcisist who's very difficult to work with, just from your comentary. Mayb not true tho, I do not know you
Minecraft got this dude fucked up🤣
i forgot about this
I should really finish that building I started in April…
Glad to be in the credits, was so fun during Covid
I wanted to participate, unfortunately I'm only on my cell phone
E o Brasil!!!!!!!!
Pippen, no matter what you do tomorrow or forever. I love you, thanks for this journey
Now that this is over, will you finally finish your Walmart base?
Your ability to write and tell stories is absolutely legendary to me, I hope that one day I can inspire and drive people the way you have. If I ever get a chance to make something worthy of it, I'll be using your videos for inspiration. Incredible dedication, and amazing perseverance <3
I hope you continue to work on Iceland , especially continue updating the fishing town Grindavik , it’ll be interesting to see the amount of changes the town has gone through battling against the volcanic eruptions (which another is only mere weeks to months away)
NO WAY IVE BEEN WATCHING SINCE 2022 I cant believe i got to watch this, i loved it
I've been a builder since september 2024 only and I've been shipping away at parts of my city, Lausanne in Switzerland, and it's a great honour to finally be active in the community. Pippen, you've paved the way for so many players to benefit from a fantastic project and have fun with it. Your idea has now matured into a working system that can hopefully go on for an infinite amount of time. And for that I thank you for all you've done. I'll be here for your next adventures.
"Always be willing to reconsider everything", Incredible video, wish you the best of luck!
i worked on vegas for a little bit until i needed to get a full time job at 18. i had a lot of fun helping out building. but i deeply apologize to whoever took over my pitiful start to circus circus