The Fall of Minecraft's 2b2t

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Today we will discuss how the most powerful exploit in server history caused the fall of Minecraft’s 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in the game, and the fallout of the events that took place.
My Twitter: FitMC
My Instagram: fitmcsippycup
Tekken 6, MGR, FFXV, NMH

Additional 2b2t Footage/Information:


leijurv (Visuals, heatmaps, information) Learn more:
0x22 (Visuals, heatmaps, information)
fr1kin (Visuals, heatmaps, information)
The Nerds (Information)
Redstoner (Visuals, Information)

Thumbnail Artwork:

If you enjoyed learning about the fall of Minecraft’s 2b2t, I would appreciate if you would consider hitting that like and subscribe button!
A tale 3 years in the making is not exactly a speedrun!
2b2t is currently awaiting the 1.16/1.17/1.18 update. Very exciting times!


49 thoughts on “The Fall of Minecraft's 2b2t”

  1. Bedrock vs java:
    Bedrock:no drama,no fun since no drama and ONE good featured server.

    Java:has drama so its fun,cool servers,has a bridging server AND you can do cool bridging techniques.

  2. This exploit was made possible by a real problem that open source projects may suffer from nowadays: Code contributions with malicious intent hidden within. Announcing a problem and offering a solution to it means you get to try to sneak in something that will benefit you in some way.

  3. Wait so, theoretically, let's say this could be fixed so that it becomes basically an admin power.
    Would it be possible to use this to create a live, consistently updating backup? I paused this at 11:03 to comment this so I might feel stupid and delete this by the end of the vid

  4. "I love minecraft! Yesterday I built a starter house! It's so pretty!"
    "Yeah, I like minecraft, too. I used it to invent a mass surveillance system, gaslighted an entire community and harassed several people. Basically, we were a secret society hiding in plain sight for several years while terrorizing everyone because we had developed the ability to not just see where they were, but predict their behavior."


  5. I took a college class last semester about making maps from datasets for real world uses, and this is a mind blowing application of that. I wish I could have been involved, not because I give a crap about 2b2t, but because the data science behind it so so awesome


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