the craziest seed i've ever discovered…

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

technically a user named M33_Galaxy in the Minecraft@Home discord found a shipwreck in lava at y=-54, but this was due to the chasm glitch in 1.19.2 only, so I didn’t count it cause it’s from a glitch. as far as i’ve seen this is the lowest shipwreck without glitches, and in the current version, but i wouldn’t be surprised if a lower one is out there !


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49 thoughts on “the craziest seed i've ever discovered…”

  1. I also found a really crazy thing in Minecraft. So the one time I loaded Into a Minecraft world and creative. and I decided to explore and then I found a Cherry blossom biome. And looked pretty normal so I decided to go in it and it stretched for miles. It took me around 5 minutes to find the end of it. It was huge. I don't know what the seed is. But if I figure out what it is then I will edit this comment to put it in.

  2. he was too drunk he went up to the skye to the land go back to water to the skye back to the ground then the ocean went flying again then went in the cave found diamonds by accident went to the nether fell down killed a blaze cause he was heavy he bounced and killed and enderman hit a hoglin hoglin sent him flying back to the portal since he was to fast he went flying out the portal fell the a cave to the stronghold to the portal then the ender pearl and blaze rod went flying out his pockets combined at fell to the portal but it went to where its ment to be he fell to the portal went flying again hit the ender, dragon ender dragon died he went crashing down to the portal and teleported back the cave cause there was a bed and he is so confused why his pants is burning and his head is broken and insided a cave, then he fell asleep again. The End

  3. The Story of an Underground Shipwreck:

    Once upon a time they were a Pirates Traveling from all over minecraft seas, they reached the island looking for diamonds, then the earthquake started, Consume some near ocean and lands breaking apart and closes after the shipwreck fall in, this is a Minecraft Multi continental theory and which the earthquake is an actually a Minecraft update from 1.17-1.18 and later discovered an underground Shipwreck on 1.21

    If u like my short story give it a like for everyone to read it.


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