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In this video, I took a look at Mojang’s OFFICIAL MINECRAFT CONSTRUCTION HANDBOOK! After the success of my Combat Handbook video, I decided that I’d borrow the next book in the series from a friend of mine (thanks other Jack) and jump right in! The book covers all different types of Minecraft building courtesy of the authors that are actually the owners of the now-retired build group FyreUK! If you enjoyed the video, make sure to like and subscribe! If we get 10,000 likes, I will release some behind-the-scenes/cut footage from the recording of this video! Let’s see if we can get to 50k subscribers! Thanks for watching guys! #BigerFella #LinusStudios #MinecraftHandbook
➥Plushy: https://bit.ly/32UnvSB
➥My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/linusstudios
➥My Website: https://www.gallery06.com/#/
➥My Discord: https://discord.gg/eP9x84s
My apologies for the grainy footage in the intro! I will do better next time, I was just in a bit of a time crunch.
#LinusStudios #MinecraftHandbook #BigerFella
I stole this book back in 4th grade by putting it inside my shirt and since we were required to tuck in our shirts well I took advantage of that. I also used a hoodie just so the book print wouldnt be so noticeable
You have a thousand stacks of likes rn-
My houses always look like blocks
I owned this exact book and I remember back when I was 7 so 2014 a few months after the books came out I remember crying over building the wooden house
The dysfunctional pyjama unusually fail because kitten iteratively follow an a childlike mustard. best, aggressive cork
I used to spend hours trying to build the ‘wooden house’ with the garden and the pool I miss this 😔
I actually have that book I always wanted to build something from it but I never came around to do it
Real gamers had all the books
I just threw a few of those away to make space for my drawing set up
Noooo I’m butthurt cause I had ALL of these, lent them to a friend, never saw them again 😓
4:09 sad bdubs noises
Who else made it their mission to collect them all from the book fair
Man i build this without the books :/
In the old server i made,i was trolling as null😂😭
Dude all that wobbly camera shaking is super obnoxious to watch 🥴
Building and redstone are the only one I expected to somewhat hold up, building more than redstone
not kidding, people would literaly hold "rock paper scissors" competitions for these books at our school, and whoever had a book was pretty much the king of the school for a month
My brother bought all of them with his own money in 5th grade. Legendary.
i am so goddamn old
I remember my dad always used to make these houses for me
0% subscribed? ……ok i'll sub
My mom threw away my sacred gamer texts
To make a maze, you have to be skilled?
How to make a maze in 3 steps
make a outline of how big your maze is gonna be
Fill in the outline
Lastly, break the inside of the maze in the way you want it to be.
Should look like this
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In my school everybody wants this book 😂
Me: still has the books
At my school whenever it was library time we'd all race to the shelf where you find the minecraft books, good times
Who here has ALL 4 books lol
I have all of books in 3rd grade I think.
He kind of sounds like technoblade but more high pitched
lol I just remembered i had those books. brings back memories
Me and my brother got lucky and found all four of the books at barns and noble a few years ago
4.17 yes ask grian he made a castle soo big its all empty
This is a really good video like I’m inspired again to play on creative and I will say you have nothing on my roller coaster it goes on for a solid 10 minutes and I’m not caping
I Rembert they the books in the school library but it was always on check out
are the books rare now because i have them all and the little case thing they come in
why do you sound like apandah???
After hearing those statistics I had to sub
The boats still suck in 1.16
i have the one with the shovel for like 5 or 4 years-
edit:epic but i miss my boat builded by my F A T H E R from LONGGG ago-it was beautiful and i used it for a home of 833884848 animals
I have these books. Not this one particularly but it was for a amusement park and some other one. It was like from 2018 or 2017? But still it was really great. Didn't finish the park tho
“The holy grail to all the fourth graders” truer words have never been spoken. I literally just remember kids being excited to go to the library just for the Minecraft books for a short period of time and then when it was time to borrow books the section with the Minecraft books would have almost everyone swarming it trying to find them. Like I tried to borrow one one time and all four were gone
I have duplicates of the entire series
My childhood just flashed before my eyes…
Goddamn those shaders look godly.