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Today, I’ll show you the coolest things you (probably) didn’t know about Minecraft! I’ll show you how to recover water from wet sponges, how to trick your friends in a weird way, how armor stands are awesome, and how to get a spawner in creative.
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#shorts #minecraft
Love the facts
Never knew you could get the water back from a sponge
Fact : did you know that if you give an armor stand a totem of undying and you splash it with a potion of harming the armor stand will use up the totem
I knew all
I know 4th one
Bro I think it is purified water from the sponge
I knew all of these but the one with the bucket filling up i learnt from a video a few days ago.
I used to play on Xbox 360 edition so you could get monster spawner in creative menu
Knew all of them 🙁
The last one, us bedrock players don't need commands
I knew all except the first one because im not a furnace guy
Everyone know this
Give us that seed!
I knew all and you can get the spawner in creative menu in bedrock edition
More on the armor stand: Similar to how the player will fall through powdered snow, the armor stand will too. But, if you give it leather boots, it will be able to sit right on top of the snow just like the player.
I know all them
I know all but dont know about armor stand and mm inecart
I know all of these , try giving me something I don't know
I knew about all of them
I knew all of them
I knew the furnace part but adept for the water bucket bit
I know the sponge one and the minecart one and the spawner
I am sitting here and regretting that I am not lerning for my ged and rather look at minecraft facts
We all knew that
Me who knew them all for like 5 years.
Im a universe ahead of you
I knew everyone uwu
Except for getting the water back