The Blocks Minecraft Forgot About

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24 thoughts on “The Blocks Minecraft Forgot About”

  1. The six sided sticky piston could be used as a block that would replace sticky pistons. The way it would be made (at least how I imagine it), would be having 8 planks around iron, which would give the non-sticky version, then use 4 pieces of slime per side. It would be a cheaper (slime ball wise) than a slime block.

  2. I think those piston crates could be a cool "push frame" block. They would basically not count toward the piston push limit giving you an awkward and possibly expensive but still viable way to go beyond the limit.

  3. I used to think that the '6 sided logs' were a genuine accident by Mojang and weren't supposed to be craftable. You're telling me that's SUPPOSED to be a thing!?


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