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Minecraft 1.20 makes netherite way harder to get, but that won’t stop us from finding ancient debris fast! Today we take a look at the best ways to find netherite fast in minecraft 1.20!
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if you read this comment “noice”
TNT chaining and bed mining can be combined for cost effectiveness. I always have a bazillion gunpowder from trying to keep creepers from blowing my house up or attacking ghasts. But the bed is easy too since I got a bunch of sheep
cant believe i have netherite ingots but now i have to find netherite template upgrades to upgrade literally all my armor and tools? 😮
37 77 8 portal cords
I actually had a mending diamond pickaxe i found in the nether and i mined some quarters and i found 2 ancient debris under it
when i saw the single iron chestplate i felt overprepared because i have full diamond and want netherite
or just use x ray 🤷♂️
I forgot that you taught me how to build a wool farm
just hold leftclick and run around like a psycho
Just wanted to say that the Bed 🛌 method is Fire. Before I watch your video I didn’t find none. Spent 3 hours. After doing the bed 🛌 method. Play 30 minutes found 7. Just wanted to say I appreciate you. Well Done Sir…
bruh the first block i mine is ancient debris 🙂
chunk border isn’t working
I am fairly new with minecraft, but I am really good at finding ancient debris. One thing I have noticed is I find a lot more ancient debris when I find Blackstone and gravel close together. I would say probably 90% of the time this works. I do mine down between y8 to y20 so odds are much better at those levels but y14 is a good half way point. I also love the TNT method lol.
Don't you think it's still kind of a pointless because well they randomly generated into a beast out of nowhere also it cost like so many pickaxes
bed is most certainly not the best way…
Dude I got 30 debris in less that 20 min I swear, I kept randomly breaking blocks from left to right with efficiency 5, and after I find a debris I go the opposite direction and mine further where I found the debris, once I find more I switch directions again. Idk if it’s only luck but man 30 debris I’m shocked that I constantly kept finding them. Plus I’m at Y=16 I mine blocks Y=16-18 from left to right. If I didn’t find anything I place a bed to find the debris, from there I decide which opposite way to go.
No if you have peaceful mode that I have in the nether because the ghast are killing me so easily I just have peaceful mode if you have peaceful mode you don't have to worry about food
bro i found debris in 42 in the piglin bastion I needed to dig my way through the walls down and all of a sudden, I got to the Ancient Debris out of random loll
The bed method is even cheaper if you find an ancient city, a city where the streets and walls are made of wool.
Step 1: find an ancient city
Step 2: Make some shears
Step 3: collect almost unlimited wool
Step 4: make a nether portal and go to the nether
Step 5: proceed to make a bed mining operation
Did bro fr find a freakin 8 vein of aincient debris!!?!?!?!?!
Technically with the bed method it would go well with just getting a Shepherd Villager and a Fletcher Villager since they'll both help with making the bed strat less grindy as gravel spawns commonly in the bowels of the nether and can be traded for emeralds with the flint trades, which said emeralds you get from the Fletcher being used for Wool or Bed Trades with the Shepherd creating a loop of mining and trading to fix weapon durability while mining for more netherite
Managed to make a 15m vid about something I can read on google in 1 minute. Not to mention your whole personality and voice is absolutely dumb irritating
bro really found 6-8 pieces of ancient debris after just saying he wasnt lucky enough while recording💀
seriously tho imagine if that happened to any of us
I USED the bed method all the time but once I had a gunpowder farm, I started using the TNT chaining method
does netherite spawn in 8 veins?
Mining with a pickaxe is super early game method, bed mining is next but for me, TNT chaining is just overall more enjoyable and smoother.
Instead of the sheep farm, build a string duper to craft wool
Starts at 2:14
I’m glad I’m subscribed to you 😊
Where to find nether fortress