Testing VIRAL Nether Hacks To See If They Work!

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38 thoughts on “Testing VIRAL Nether Hacks To See If They Work!”

  1. The cool video🍑 but🍑 this isn't real he's using mods it's obvious he didn't say say what was how you can make diamond portal every other dove portal he didn't say how to make it he said Dad his monitor and didn't work but he didn't say at the end how you can do it

  2. 7:47 I mean TECHNICALLY if you go in that direction you'll eventually find a fortress, but that's like like saying you'll find a village if you go north in the overworked. Eventually you will, but it's not a hack.

  3. Like it's getting weird how a white enderman just shows up. Idk if its a morph mod to get a person to morph into a white enderman but yo, That is sick! Btw Loverfella love your videos keep up to be entertaining. <3


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