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Today I’m Testing SCARY Minecraft Myths That Are Actually True /w 09sharkboy
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The Funniest Minecraft Video Ever with New Funny Mods makes Minecraft 1.16.4 even funnier & hilarious! It is lots of fun and laughs 🙂
Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin but it is me and my good friends playing the NEW FUNNIEST MINECRAFT MOD EVER! REAL Minecraft Tricks they defy the game / Minecraft hacks are just INSANE!
You just troll your brother hahaha
Video: "someone fell and shark didn't see it"
Me: Shark are u dumb?
shark is very brave to do this kind of video
I slow mode it and I saw entity 0 head
I had a heart attack when the entity 0 apeard I was like 🅿️enis
Im terrified at the end of the vidio
Shut up you gotta go back and take a screenshot at it that was let me flirt in front of you
Scory is all im sayng find it
You need to do seed scary it is very scary 😨
he wus made by noch and he wonted it to be a mob too!😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Entityzero attacked me when I made a epic jungle seed and he killed me and I could respawn
Bro you can make those signs
I’m not on pc sooo I’m on iPad
I made a world of se
entitty zero is the brother of entitty three o three or son but currupted
man with big 👃
I saw the cut at the village destroyed
Pls part 3
VIL R 3:25
but no vilige
This guy fakes it. How are there things in just a normal world. you would be thinking how did he pulled it off pretty simple. He maybe just went into creative and did that stuff and his one of the friend would be doing all the creepy stuff.
Entity zero has world edit power he can mess with any world
Are these real?
Why don't you do greenstone
Or… enderbrine I think that's his name
Entityzero is the corrupted version of entity303
What's a enderman
if u use §k on signs books and other stuff you can make glitched text
I think it's mogi
he fell from the sky!
Love you're videos but this I want moreeeee👍😍
Imagine it's Kevin getting his revenge
Anyway love ur video keep up the great work
Entity 0 can delete blocks do the pray can’t run. Just like we see.
shark can you teach me to play minecraft
3:24 that's an obvious cut on the video
Can I play Minecraft with you plz respond yes or no I know that you read every coment
What is that that actually jump scare me like that the last word actually that scared I didn’t know that is the first time I saw any I always I be scared of anything don’t hear by or any Amy villain of Minecraft I’m scared of is Isom one of them I’m gonna beat my phone but it’s OK that I don’t I don’t like to be hack you know
7:57 was so a creepy jump scare
I have a challange for you that is : Minecraft But, You can only break COLOR Grey!
I love These videos
Hey shark I've got a scary minecraft seed. The seed of THAT THING the corrupted Steve. That thing removes items from your hotbar and chests as the commen thing to look out for. You can see parts of his body like an arm and a leg appearing behind your inventory. The seed for that thing is 2323
entity 303 used to have another skin… although it was way cooler it had a specific weapon for himself that is not in minecraft…. SHARK PLS READ THIS! (useful infooooo) 😀
Shark I know this isn't the correct video to comment this but I think for the next trolling vid you should use glitch text like §k=glitch text
Bruh, shark why would you turn off the vpn or defender there is a Minecraft Java virus even Minecraft Minecraft hackers could kill your pc/win-10
Entity 0 jumpscareing you: hello there
On my God
He could of went into the water he literally went straight into the void on purpose lol