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Which of these myths was most terrifying? Let me know if I missed anything!
Brianna did you know in hardcore you can heel automatically but it’s slow
The blood mansion is the most terrifying out of all of them
10:41 say this one is false right behind her A HUGE OBSIDIAN GOLEM
I sow the deth sun
the normal golom is the obibion golom
I Sor it
10:45 me going ”RUN dun dun du du dun dun du du da dododo dododo🔎🕵🏼
4:40 4:42
If u want to catch a scary myth or creepypasta. Ur eyes should be on the screen 24/7 like a hawk. And ur ears should be listening for any unnatural sounds. So please, stop looking at us. Only do so when ur not in game. Also really pay attention on what's happening behind u every time u go on third person.
Hi bri I am a subscriber but I am a really big fan of your husband Preston can you ask him to friend me on Fortnite my username is 1111112wsxcderfv
34:58 Shadow bat in background
The tree leaves are back!!!!!!!
9:30 regular gollem changed to obsidian gollem
You mist when you were going into the house surrounded by water on the stone bricks there were fire behind you
I have not watched your vids in a while because I watch Preston
whyy you kill the spider i am sad
Scaru myths is good bercause is honns be hallowen
Fake what where thoes items facker phonie clickbat you and preston are fake😡😡😡😡😡 clickbate
When she go to the elevator for the electrical the sun ):)
When you join the look around the black golem
When you go to the next one the white iran golem tire to black
10:40 oh god
While you were going on the elevator above you the sun changed
you missed fire 🔥 behind you
i like ur bow
You missed something when you are standing on the rock. There was a guy that his skin was black and wearing a white T-shirt and pants and he was spying on you.