Testing Overpowered Minecraft DEFENSE Hacks

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38 thoughts on “Testing Overpowered Minecraft DEFENSE Hacks”

  1. Think of the word " lichen " as the word " liken ". Now say the word " lichen " like the word " liken ".
    Now say " lichen " without looking at the other word. Boom. You now know how to say Lichen.

  2. I have a hack for you it works on bedrock so i don’t know if it works in Java all you have to do is put a boat on a slime Trampoline and then jump a lot then after enter the boat then you go up in survival and creative

  3. you know that enderman you would usually see that makes that screeching noise, well actually enderman speak a language that humans can understand that enderman said "hello, hi find the eye."

  4. IH loverfella in your Minecraft server one player tanking my money and I was having 30k but I have 1k 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
    In game name – OpSahil89
    Love from india 🇮🇳❤️
    If you can help me please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
    I hope that you can help .


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