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😂That last one was pretty overpowered
It is pronounced lie-kin
I have a good hack
Build a BIG wall
Am roast u roast: ur name is lover fella but no 1 really loves u
Hi your videos are awesome keep up the good work.
That last one omg 😂
Zach: “Polar bears don’t have tails”
Me: “ excuse me polar bears are my fav animal and I KNOW that polar bears have tails”
loverfella i lost everything in your server what should i do also good vid keep up the good work
its pronounced like -in
You sound like shark the YouTuber
is it just me or does none of those hacks help with defense at all
I didn't like the vid as much a normal
You could just make like a mile long hole with world edit and it would be amazing
Aaaa yes my favorite block a command black.
giant zombie reskin to Alex
Loverfella I have a question u probably wont answer but…. How do I get good at youtube vids like u
Think of the word " lichen " as the word " liken ". Now say the word " lichen " like the word " liken ".
Now say " lichen " without looking at the other word. Boom. You now know how to say Lichen.
@LoverFella It’s pronounced glow liken not glow lich en
You seem so weird I remember the good old days when you played Minecraft
I mean ark😅😅😅
Also destorted alex is in minecraft so to find her turn oof security on your pc
I love it
Nice video.
Can you bring back the trade up seasons. That will make this channel wayyyyy better than it is now and bring back some people. (Just some advice)
Lichen is pronounced LAI-KEN
I have a hack for you it works on bedrock so i don’t know if it works in Java all you have to do is put a boat on a slime Trampoline and then jump a lot then after enter the boat then you go up in survival and creative
Stop saying he
you know that enderman you would usually see that makes that screeching noise, well actually enderman speak a language that humans can understand that enderman said "hello, hi find the eye."
No bad word's! Jimmy
If you put rails in a 2×2 square it makes a circle.
I hate Alex
IH loverfella in your Minecraft server one player tanking my money and I was having 30k but I have 1k 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
In game name – OpSahil89
Love from india 🇮🇳❤️
If you can help me please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I hope that you can help .
nam piuts piuts ruoY
Command black
me just turnig it to day
How are those f ucking defences?
Soul fire does more damage then regular fire