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I ain't even gonna lie, this thumbnail is pretty clickbait but it's clean 💀
6 diamonds it would've been 8 if we 3 didn't burn in lava- LoverFella, 2021
Dude shulkercraft isn’t a scammer he is very trustable Minecraft player
1728 diamond for him ooo
Notch is the creator of minecraft
I use diagonal on bedrock and man did I get many of diamonds
the clay diamond method works. its an 80 percent chance. and the clay patch need to be full
The clay thing is 💯 100 percent real
Do the star mane to get daimons
theyres akso a lapis diamond trick im not exactly sure what it is
The diamond clay one is real even SB does it to find diamonds
de klei one is true
I play Bedrock Edition Minecraft my username is RomanXD3382
Ayyyyyyy LoverFella Haven’t Watched You In A Long Time
The clay patch hach does work
5:15 he's not going to try to explain to us then he starts explaining
What is the server port?
“Alright, so a diamond pickaxe is faster than a wooden pickaxe”
Yah, that’s how it works
bro the clay one doesn't really work like that but it works 99% of the time
Umm you said 1000$ if you dont find 10 iron and you found it only 9
I tested 3 different mining methods on 1.17.1 minecraft server
clay diamonds works on 98% of minecraft seeds U just used it wrong bcs the youtuber explained it wrong. dig under clay and mark nearest diamond deposit then find another clay(on same world) and go to same relative coords and there will bee diamonds too
record doing this on 4 clays in world, creating new world and doing again plees
the windmill method is about same effective as strip mine(my results 100 dia strip 93 dia windmill 2hour) and it is a-maze-ing for players who randomly find it in minecraft without knowing it from youtube
best to find diamonds: cave(easy to get stuck) choruscave(better then cave but easier to get stuck) claydiamonds(U'll get banned on some servers)
If i can just play for 24/7 half dead and i join your events or challenges
Shulkercraft ain't no scammer. That clay trick does work. Had you cleared out the lava and continue digging, you might've found the diamonds
Loverfeller: I have 6 diamonds would of been 8 if 3 didn’t fall in lava
Me:uhh math
The clay method actually works
6 + 3 = (?)
This is a research video
I love the coolest YouTube in the world
3.08 six diamonds, would have been eight if three had not fallen into lava. Math
4:47 is ShulkerCraft
and Clay and Lapis do work
I sub
Shulkercraft did NOT lie it’s just 8/10 chance ( no hate I love your videos)
Was it only me seeing he missed iron on the japanise windmill metod?
I liked and subrcribed
Are we all just going to ingnore that he said its time a competitor challenges our cave mining when the chorus fruit strat got 1 more ore than cave mining not including cobblestone which would make it 6 more
👏 noice
Any type of cave mining is better than strip mining
My son likes learning Minecraft hacks and methods from your videos!