Testing INSANE Minecraft Mining Hacks!

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43 thoughts on “Testing INSANE Minecraft Mining Hacks!”

  1. I tested 3 different mining methods on 1.17.1 minecraft server
    clay diamonds works on 98% of minecraft seeds U just used it wrong bcs the youtuber explained it wrong. dig under clay and mark nearest diamond deposit then find another clay(on same world) and go to same relative coords and there will bee diamonds too

    record doing this on 4 clays in world, creating new world and doing again plees

    the windmill method is about same effective as strip mine(my results 100 dia strip 93 dia windmill 2hour) and it is a-maze-ing for players who randomly find it in minecraft without knowing it from youtube

    best to find diamonds: cave(easy to get stuck) choruscave(better then cave but easier to get stuck) claydiamonds(U'll get banned on some servers)

  2. Are we all just going to ingnore that he said its time a competitor challenges our cave mining when the chorus fruit strat got 1 more ore than cave mining not including cobblestone which would make it 6 more


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