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#Tango #Stealing
Tango, a member of Hermitcraft has been stealing Minecraft builds from YouTubers and creators within the Minecraft community. Today we explore what builds Tango has taken, with evidence and proof. Please know I take no pleasure exposing Tango nor is it my goal to ruin his career. My intention is to only make people, including Tango, aware these actions have been noticed and it needs to stop.
Important update: https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx2gY2aKFfCqRlSUV6TWAkIgtMWWq_g0-6
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Please ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. Here to have a good time, Thank You and Enjoy! 😀
I have deleted everything from my pinned comment, please follow this link to my community post: https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx2gY2aKFfCqRlSUV6TWAkIgtMWWq_g0-6
Tango (if you're reading this), I mostly wrote this for you. This fixes any inconsistencies in my video and mistakes.
I will say nothing further, thank you.
There are a couple stretches there, such as the NASA building and nether portal, but the other 3 are fair enough.
As others have said Tango will have a team that help him, and most hermits build in creative first as well so taking both these into account it isn't obvious that he was following a tutorial when building the Halloween house. You jump straight to malicious intent which is unfair. Given Tango's history of giving credit to others I'm more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Jumping to conclusions does no one any good.
Looking at other videos of yours you use variations of Mumbo's skin in the thumbnail without giving credit in the description. See how easy it is?
saying your not a fan of someone because of this and "exposing them" is a bit much. Seems more like this is for views if tango stated he made these builds himself yeah that'd be an issue but he's never done this. Also you do not know the conversations he's had with some builders some of them could have been fans of him and said he could use them. plus sometimes you see a build online and can't find the source .
BritishWeirdo:giving actual good points
The whole ppl who watched ten seconds of the video:OmG CloUt ChaSeR 1!!1111!!!
who cares jfc you're petty
"great artists steal" -Pablo Picasso
Tango probably looks at other builds for inspiration as is very common in the Minecraft building community, or any artistic community. It's not like he used anything that was copyrighted. Maybe he should credit the original artists more when he can, but for simple builds like the ones you've pointed out, it's almost impossible to find out for sure who the original person who made the specific design was, because there's millions of minecraft users and you never know if the build you're looking at was based on another build or it was truly original… and what is even one example of something that is truly original anyway?
….. I mean. the Rocket is a quick and dirty version of the most basic design you see in a ton of old school cartoons and kid shows, something we know Tango's got an interest in, the Nasa is a recreation of a real life building, the only thing you can really change is dimensions. I agree the haloween house looks suspiciously similar, but well…. that's one small build? and the nether portal: there's millions of nether portals built in differing styles, very often similar, and that one's basically just a generic archway.. It might be something he'd seen before, the block palate is kinda suspiciously similar again… but do you need to credit a non unique build style to anyone in particular? The only thing you can really claim is the haloween house, and that Tango's not really all that creative and builds a lot of simple builds copied either from reality or cartoons.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. Long time Tango watcher and he does give credit on most of his builds to the original creator. Also, you mention multiple times that you hate to make this kind of video, but it's nearly your entire channel…this topic of outing people who may be doing something unsavory or dishonest in some way. Personally, I would've attempted to contact Tango or any of the people in your videos before setting myself up to be the 'snitch.' The assumption is you did not since you did not mention anything about it in the video. Truth be told, Tango does so much of his own work that I couldn't be bothered to care if he uses a few small designs from other people and forgets or neglects to credit them. The world is full of how to minecraft videos and most of them are just copies of copies of copies. I can say this though….I won't be bothering with any of your videos hence forth as I really can't stand tattle telling no matter how well meaning you think you're being, it just smacks of someone needing to get on with their life. Have a good one and have fun with this pathway you've chosen.
He should give credit but if there’s no name or worse multiple people claiming it what do you do
Put it in say hey I built this found it on x y z I have no idea who’s the original creator move on
This game has been out for a very long time there are millions of builds out there and you can find litterly anything you can think about
You will see similarities it’s bound to happen a rocket ship is a rocket ship windows aren’t going to be put on the corners
Don’t get me wrong the scale of the rocket being similar is suspicious but was probably in a hurry to finish and wrap up the end of the season.
Give credit where possible move on
Hermit craft isn’t really about the massive impressive builds it’s the message sent out of friendship and so on.
This is the last community I can flip on for my kids and not have to worry about.
Why not reach out to him first, ask for him to make a public statement, and then make a video if he did not? Do not act like you are on some moral high ground and "take no pleasure" in doing this when there was a far less abrasive way to handle it.
I felt kinda sorry for BritishWeirdo when scrolling through the newest comments… It's amazing, how you still answer to every single senseless comment. Hold on!
There is no such thing as stealing one's build. Nobody can claim a set of blocks put together.
I don't remember Tango taking the credit for any of these builds in his videos. Even if he neglected to give credit, in cases like this credit is not an obligation. If I remember right, he has given credit in the past for other builds. If that's true, then I don't believe he was trying to steal these builds or pass them as his. I've been watching Tango for maybe 5 yrs at least and I can't believe he would steal from other creators. My question is, have any of these other creators said they feel Tango stole from them or that they want him to give them credit? Doc recently said in a video how he uses fan art for his thumbnails and is always happy to give credit if the original artist asks. I believe Xisuma said something similar, but I can't recall what it was about. I'm sure that if these creators asked Tango for credit that he would acknowledge them. The only thing I can believe is that this is a misunderstanding. Tango is human, it's possible he forgot to give credit, put it off for later and it slipped his mind, etc.
I saw from other comments that the 'NASA' Building is designed off of a real building which makes it less likely that he copied a design from another person.
I also disagree with the idea that you shouldn't work off a design if you can't give credit. The whole point of looking for design ideas online is to find what you want. If you find the perfect design, it makes sense to use it. If you don't know who to credit just say that.
In all my time watching Hermitcraft, they have been good at giving credit, but multiple have forgotten it at times because people make mistakes. The evidence given is what, five builds? I'm sure someone could respond to this video with all the builds Tango has given credit to. I think to claim this was anything other than a mistake, a lot more evidence would be needed, such as Tango claiming these builds were his or ignoring the original creators when they ask for credit.
Btw, I'm here cause this video was brought up in one of Impulse's streams.
Really good video man, i love how constructive (I'm not sure if that's the right word xd) you are
Dude the rocket assambley building could have been a complete coincidence, that building exsists in real life
hes just building whats so worng with that he loves to build
maybe hes lazy
The spaceship building is a real place
37k views, 1.7k likes. Who knows how many dislikes..
To anyone reading this, PLEASE READ THE COMMUNITY POST! It's just sad how many people are defending tango here.
What baffles me most is that Tango, a capable full grown man, would even think of resorting to plagiarism.
Aside from these particular builds, Tango has proven time after time that he is a good builder. If he was ever stumped or tight for time surely he would at least think of asking a fellow Hermit for advise instead of cherry-picking other’s builds from the internet.
Edit: that reminds me actually, I’ve only been able to see the bigger picture thanks to this video, but one of these stolen builds (the big nasa complex) had intrigued me from the start.
And that was the fact that Tango finished a huge build and said barely anything about it. He almost shrugged it off and just said generic ‘this looks good’ things.
Whenever a Hermit has created something that scale, you can tell how proud they are. They’ll talk about the grind and the thought process.
But not Tango with this build. I’d thought something was fishy from the start, and now I know the unfortunate reason why…
Bro it’s a block game chill bro
This video is totally clickbaity. I agree Tango didn't give credit but the way you told the story was just to gain clout. Tango does give credit to the Redstone builds. So you could have easily said, Tango usually gives credit for Redstone builds but he for doesn't do the same for normal builds. So that is ignorance on his part and he should start treating all builds same and give credits when due. You don't have to lose respect for someone and send hate. You just have to educate them with things that are wrong.