Surviving Under Someone's Minecraft Base!

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33 thoughts on “Surviving Under Someone's Minecraft Base!”

  1. i think its better to make more traps so that if the player finds it and survives the powdersnow trap you make another one something that they can't survive something they can get trapped for forever or not forever and to get pass that trap that you made you need to make a secret passage way for you to cross and when they saw the secret passage way maybe you should just run out of you base until they leave the base but the problem is your stuff will be gone when they saw the chests in you secret base so its better to get them all and leave the base. i know its so risky this might also ruined the series but it worth a try use you escape skills to get out of you base when they find it when you see the name tag of the player and the player is close leave now you can go back to your base when they left your secret base. Its risky but just be confident and use your skills to escape.

    Its very risky just grab all your stuff and leave when they are close but not today.

    Warning: its very risking indeed do not do that when you are surviving of under someone base

  2. This is why i'm scared to play on this server. It's like all fun and games until you find a secret base under yours…. Have you seen ''the boy'' movie? yeah.. i'm scared too! >o<


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