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Build a house in his house
Can you take more stuff from the house?
in the next video you can make full daimond gear just saying ps i love your videos and hacks
try make a water elevator with a piston system to sneak into his house quick and escape quick
You should make the greatest base to make it good!!!!! (I love your videos ♥️)
Mapey make a parkour under his base to make it harder to to get to you
Congratulations on hitting the 3 mil subs
If you put honey under the snow then it's a better trap
Challenge 1 find a 64 diamond and sell it challenge 2 get 3 nethrite block
Loeverfella aka loverfella
i am the 7.600 like and the 553rd comment
zach u can do / craft because of ur rank :p
Awesome vieo! Inspiring me to make more minecraft video. Small youtuber struggle is REAL! lol!
add slabs to the bottom
Yes bring this back more often love these videos
What's the server adress so I can join
I like ur server videos
the play at the beggining tho
i think its better to make more traps so that if the player finds it and survives the powdersnow trap you make another one something that they can't survive something they can get trapped for forever or not forever and to get pass that trap that you made you need to make a secret passage way for you to cross and when they saw the secret passage way maybe you should just run out of you base until they leave the base but the problem is your stuff will be gone when they saw the chests in you secret base so its better to get them all and leave the base. i know its so risky this might also ruined the series but it worth a try use you escape skills to get out of you base when they find it when you see the name tag of the player and the player is close leave now you can go back to your base when they left your secret base. Its risky but just be confident and use your skills to escape.
Its very risky just grab all your stuff and leave when they are close but not today.
Warning: its very risking indeed do not do that when you are surviving of under someone base
Let's go
This is why i'm scared to play on this server. It's like all fun and games until you find a secret base under yours…. Have you seen ''the boy'' movie? yeah.. i'm scared too! >o<
please continue the series
Lets go invaders
You said to use stairs but it would be more effective if you used slabs because it does the same thing for less materials
Love videos like this
wtf as soon as i spawned in a got banned for no reason i guess i have to play hypixel then
Please Keep doing Mega survival Vids!!!!!
Love the video, but really wanna no willvu ever do trade up again. I really miss it since I was there before it started. Keep up the great channel
We need another part
Only Og's remember this series
I can prob build that base from memory how many times I’ve used that tutorial