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i think i might have life long trauma because of that lanky fella
obviously gotta mention that this whole thing was inspired by @Calvin9000
Mods I used:
From The Fog
Cave Dweller Evolved
All this for forge 1.20.1
Music Used: (yet again I want to use this as a chance to genuinely thank these creators for making copyright free music)
Nervous, Deep Noise, Rising Tide Faster, Floating Cities, Clash Defiant (I sped it up a little), Giant Wyrm, Unseen Horrors, Gregorian Chant, Loopster, Beauty Flow, Thunderbird, Magic Escape Room, Bump In The Night, Distant Tension, Long Note Four – Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com)
Also I used like a 3 second clip from Dark Tension Rising Music by MATTIA CUPELLI
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
i pray to you, Kevin Macleod, for you are carrying my entire youtube career with your copyright free music
also yeah I changed my name you’re not going crazy…
or are you?
anyway yeah thanks for the million views and 30k subcribers, hope you enjoy/enjoyed this episode
mmm scarry minecraft from the fog cave dweller but its funny and also a minecraft mod and herobrine was there? wow! haha! i wonder if this actually does anything
This is worst than Fnaf, my eyes be watering the entire time watching this thing
Why don’t you raid a dungeon. All the books you need
This is a Minecraft video… and its actually good… its… fun… it doesnt add up i gotta subscribe to investigate further
The man in the shadows
The man from the fog:mod suggestion
You should add the gun mod to this series 🧌
Add the backrooms and don't read into it
you placing dirt over the iron hurt a lil i will admit
2:57 you wanna get HUH!?
Personally you should add the "man from the fog", real cool spoopy mod 🙂 enjoy….
19:12 how did his shield regain its health?? Answer
I feel like i'm watching someone with numerous mental disorders playing this game and i love it, keep it up!
Now when you got the audience you have to keep it enganged and i hope you good luck! Good videos and think about some new series after that series (Apologies for any linguistic shortcomings; English is not my native tongue as I hail from Poland.)
This looks amazing like some civilization on the other planet
I would be cool if this was a analog horror where the person playing this game is attacked by the characters as he slowly gose insane saying he sees them
HEHEHE me following every time a newer entertaining mc creator pops up
Hay why won't you add parasite mod to your world it will make it even more scarier and harder and will give you better experience
You should build a fence around your compound 😊
Add a waterfall going down the mountain that's visible from the mountain you end the episodes on
That encounter with the cave dweller could not have gone better in terms of dramatic impact.
Ooo the shaders really bring everything together for me would love to see them used more ^_^
14:31 what shader?
You don't have to do anything 🙂
Do the content that makes YOU happy, that YOU have fun with. EVEN if that means no content. We'll be here ^^
what was the shaders that you used?
This guy sounds like if ShootABirdy and Technoblade merged Voices
Please use the shaders all of the time, it looks amazing and will make this series one of the best I've seen
The man from the fog is basically just the cave dwelling BUT… for the surface you should do that for next episode
one mod for you is Distant Horizens for better exploring
btw u should add eather the create mod, or scary spider (both on forge :>)
Next up, add the mod, "The Man from the Fog". You won't feel safe a night… Trust.
For some reason watching you brings me back to 2012 Minecraft just bring a kid always scared Herobrine was in my game, glad I found your channel!
Okay, that clutch against the Cave Dweller was L E G I T I M A T E L Y impressive. I doubt I could've pulled that off.
Anyone gonna notice that his name is “TACOEGIRl”LIKE WHAT YOU UP TO THEITE, HUH
are the nether and end off limits?
like the dome idea so I'm using that type of base, I need to think of ideas to keep the dwellers that enter the surface out of my base because I believe that they can completely break doors down and kill you, ill test gates and maybe a water system of perfecting my entry while discouraging its entry.
If you go to the nether you can get leather from Hoglins
Mod suggestion: man from the fog
rlly cool video! tho you should prolly do like
securitycraft maybe?? or create idk? it would prolly be fun!
For one of the mods you could add nuclear weapons or some guns mods for you to protect yourself against the crave dwellers
You should add the parasites mod you could also add a mod that adds more food
okay son it’s been another week. i cant sleep an i wanna watch another one.
Hey thrite can you do pog its a scary mod also new subscriber❤
ik this mod isn't that good but the furniture mod
Fuck dude you are so funny, please keep this up man you're amazing
You should add the Cute Mob Models mod. It'd definitely fit the horror theme, because women are the scariest things known to man /j
Nah, but seriously, if you're going to be adding more mods each episode, then I think there should be a few loose guidelines to follow. Firstly, there probably shouldn't be any mods that add new ores or that heavily involve new biomes, because the world's already been generated, and you'd need to travel very far to get them. Secondly, I think technology mods should, at the very least, be saved for much later. Maybe once you've achieved some personal "milestones", like building an actual village (big enough to actually spawn cats and iron golems). Thirdly, a good idea would be to prioritize mods with one of these three themes: Horror, Nature/Regrowing, and Occult or Witchcraft. That way, things are kept kind of down-to-earth, or at least, fitting for the world you're in, and this series won't be broken up by going to space or whatever.
So, with that in mind, I have a few mods you may want to check out, one for each of the themes. For horror, (it honestly took a while to find one that didn't add new biomes) there's the Midnight Lurker mod. This one will disappear if you look at it and if it isn't aggravated, but if it is…well. It can break wooden doors. I wouldn't actually recommend Scape and Run or other "parasite" type mods until you have mobs actually spawning in the world—part of why they're so terrifying is because even ordinary passive mobs could become very dangerous, and you don't know which is which. But right now, you're already used to everything being hostile, so there's less of that specific fear.
For Nature/Regrowing, Botania is the easiest and most sensible option, but Nature's Aura is pretty good, too. They might be a bit too powerful at this point, though, particularly Botania. (Permafrost – Eyes of the Storm uses Botania for a large chunk of its "bring the world back to life" theme, because the Cocoon of Caprice can randomly spawn a passive mob. On the other hand, with how little spiders seem to spawn in this world, it might balance out just fine, because you absolutely need string and spider eyes to make one.)
Finally, for Occult or Witchcraft, there's a couple more options, too. Occultism is a great option, but so is Bewitchment, or Druidcraft. Hexerei would be another good choice, if it wasn't for the fact that the stuff there is locked behind swamp biomes, which you obviously can't access.
Lastly, there is one mod that I think fits the vibe of your playthrough almost perfectly—Blood Magic. You've got the horror element, the occultism, and while it doesn't fit the bill for "regrowth" necessarily, it does, I think, fit the most naturally into what you have going on right now.
Of course, this is all your playthrough! All of these are just ideas at the end of the day. Hell, if you want to add the Trumpet Skeleton mod (or even if you ACTUALLY add the Cute Mob Models mod), no one's gonna stop you. Whatever you do, I'll definitely be here to watch and enjoy it!
Praying for your success king
Dude try adding sound physics remastered