Surviving 100 Days of Minecraft's Most Disturbing Mods [FULL MOVIE]

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Surviving 100 Days of Minecraft’s Most Disturbing Mods on a Deserted Island [FULL MOVIE]

This video I attempt to survive 100 Days against Minecraft’s Most Disturbing/Scariest Mods, Herobrine & his secret brother Simon_12, and his friends the Cave Dweller, The Man From The Fog, The Dweller King. The Cartoon Cat and many more… Can I survive on a Deserted Island and beat the game before the Hitman gets me in Minecraft?

Shaders: Complementary Reimagined


41 thoughts on “Surviving 100 Days of Minecraft's Most Disturbing Mods [FULL MOVIE]”

  1. I like the silence, but I can't get the full version. Here is a tip:
    If you hear a music box without a message before (you are still on time, or simething like that), you should get on at least five blocks tall, and shift untill you are the nearest to falling over.
    If you hear an weird loud and freak static sound with the message "is too late" or something similar, you need to dig yourself underground and have a pickaxe on your hand, because you will be sent to the silence world and start chocking in a wall

  2. dude i discovered u maybe two months ago i make music n it gets rly stressful and i can’t fall asleep but i literally watch all your long vids and you’re SOOOO awesome to relax to and i love the horror especially. your calm genuine demeanor in your videos is so fun yet relaxing to watch thank you for making these videos so, perfect youtuber to unwind to

  3. I want a mod that lets you befriend the knocker lol. I think it’s funny that you just completely incapacitated him in a boat and then he just became friend shaped to you.
    Also he will hold chickens. Like, just carry one around with him in his arms.

  4. You should turn this into your own mod pack so we can play it too. I wanna play this with my friends but you’ve only provided the base mod pack in your previous video, I can’t really find the horror mods either for whatever reason

  5. Absolutely love the walking dead music u got in the background during the beginning, All the games went on sale on the switch awhile ago so I bought all the seasons and played em all, I might replay them again lol

    Edit: MY MAN EVEN THE ANIMAL CROSSING MUSIC OMG I love you already 😔👌


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