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In this DanTDM Minecraft video, I’m playing my brand new Minecraft world and it’s time to play the new surprise Minecraft update.
Edited by: http://www.twitter.com/NoGoodDavis & Me, DanTDM
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DanTDM
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/DanTDM
Build a house with a propee storage room

Btw. Dantdm candy creeper dimension review will ALWAYS HAVE MY HEART
neighaurus no… you were this version of dr.trayaurus
Yo love the horse dan amazing creativity
20:27 You should name her Frostbite since her coat is so snowy! :3
Hey Dan, just a recommendation: On Mr. Neighaurus' gravestone, you could put an item frame on his back and two tripwire hooks either side to represent the saddle
RIP Neighaurus, you will be missed.
Idk why i found Dan singing "Country Roads" soo funny

Day 19 of asking for my channel to get a shout out
Put yourself in jail
Hey Dan! If you use a water bucket, you can quickly get rid of the powdered snow. Super easy!
6:55 i’m not sure if this is a java thing (since i play on bedrock) but i think there should be a toggle between two options!! i think one option is where it only shows recipes if you have atleast one item required, and the other option is showing all the recipes even if you dont have the items!
IShowSpeed said it best, “PIGGA!?”
Not sure if anyone's said it yet, but in case of an emergency you can use a water bucket to break powder snow
Why do you still have a iron door if Rott was the only one that would annoy you about having a regular one. You should change it back or put a pressure plate on the floor on both sides of the door so you dont have to keep clicking the button to open the door
Dan might be loosing it gang
he was way too excited about breeding these pigs
should've done it sideways
In the prison use a cobweb with signs around it for the hoop
Dan name it sven
Rex? For the dog name I mean lol
name the dog roxy
if you still need a name for the piglin gaurd you could choose 1 of the three from you`re old minecraft escapist videos as a call back
It is?! I thought it was only in snapshots…
Dont update, we lile the animations
Dantdm addressing pig racism. Love you man
You could use a trapdoor to make the bottom legs be longer
No more netherite (:
Hello Dan, this is day 37 of asking you to start a new terraria series

Pewdiepie reference
please build ur house with a storage room i physically can’t cope with the state of the chests
Just so you know, you do have leaf's in your chest 4:04
Lexi could be adorable
Name suggestion for the dog from the old hardcore series: Buddy or Grim
busky is my submission for dog name
Rest in snow, neighaurus episode 13 15:16
Hey dan just wanted to thank you because life has been tough for me lately and whenever I watch one of your videos I get a sense of relief and happiness so thank you <3
Ksi better
Ik this is such a small moment. But Dan singing country lodes take me home, was so funny to me.
Dan just fully kidnapped warm pick and left his wife with the baby

I love the names Frost and Snowy for the artic dogs. I doubt anybody will see this though.