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Sun and Moon CREATE the BACKROOMS using DIMENSIONAL DOORS MOD in Minecraft
Welcome to Sun and Moon Show! Sun and Moon Show you will find new and exciting family friendly content featuring your favorite character from Five Nights at Freddy’s and Security Breach! Enjoy the daily content and make sure to subscribe!
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The Team:
🙏Sun – The Invisible Davis
🙏Moon – EC_Universal
👓Discord: https://discord.gg/HwQ3aYPwed
👓Production Music by www.epidemicsound.com
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#SecurityBreachREACTS #MoonREACTS #SunREACTS
Do you want to see more videos like this? Let us know! 🙂
Can u play Roblox
I really enjoy these types of roleplay-ish videos, and Dimensional Doors is one of my favorite mods lol-
I suggest trying other neat mods like The Betweenlands, The Midnight, or Galacticraft (I think). Those mods are also really cool to mess around with!
I love all you guys vd and when moon said that he love Sun.Thats was lovely >v<
YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST and can you guys play Hello NEIGHBOR pleass!!
This is my favorite channel period.
React to the backroom 2 from gametoons
I love the story twist this is taking! I can't wait to see what happens next! You guys are awesome!
!Happy Easter!
Money🤑 5:42 B)
Ayo moondrop Wana see what my version of moondrop is? For Minecraft I think maybe you'll like the Minecraft skin 🙂
You guys are literally my favorite i love you guys!
Moon n Sun it's called a nether portal hahaha i played Minecraft alot of time's with my the best part that i prank them it never gets old 😊😊😊
Please can you Google yo And your brother I’m just saying can you Google yourself and your brother
I have a question for Moon are you a demon yeah if you are I've never watching your video again sorry 😅😅😅👍
AYOO you watched that movie too?
Dimensional Doors always freaked me out. Glad you guys got out!
Can you play happy game
When will you check if sun can still become moon?
I love both of you guys so much 😭
aww two brothers helping each other
I Love Your Show,Can You Make More?
Im Your New Fan 😝
You guys should play the baby in pink
never go to backrooms
I REALLY love fnaf and making my own version of starlight and one day I'm thinking about being a Australian YouTube and I also love your videos keep up the good work and have a good day
Also animating on flipaClip
Hey sun you know how in that reality that y'all were in and moon said you can't get hurt there you could have annoyed him so much and he couldn't do a single thing
omg i love you guys espically moon
Sun is so funny thanks for making my day dude your the best
Moon has now turned into a sleeping baby bring back from what sun said in part one of fnaf sb and when moon disagreed
I love your minecraft house! It's ausome!
3:46 Moon, you always teach me something amazing! 👏 ✨
It's funny how half the video when they talked about the neither they said h-e double hockysticks then near the end moon said 'no this is hell '
Please play bit buddy thank you!!!!
woow 😍💋 💝💖❤
Great video 👌👌👌, bravo you're a great channel. Absolutely great 👍 👍👍
pls play roblox it is soo good
Sun and moon can you explore the safe backrooms?