Strange sightings on an Alpha Minecraft channel

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

There is a bizarre channel on YouTube that appears to show Minecraft anomalies. But it’s a lot deeper than it may appear – join me as we explore the oddities of Mark101.

Information slides:

Mark101 Channel:
The Let’s Play Archive Channel (Act II):

Join the official RGN Discord:

Special thanks to Kit for help with the thumbnail! Check out their Twitter here:

0:6:55 – should say “it’s”
1:02:00 – Missing PH0TON-GR4VITY credit


46 thoughts on “Strange sightings on an Alpha Minecraft channel”

  1. This reminds me of a weird thing that happens on old Xbox 360 Minecraft worlds where the everything in the UI turns into grass blocks and there is a red-brown texture over everything. Had anyone else ever experienced this? I’ve barely found anything about it.

  2. I can't stress enough how much i shat my pants when the video was over, i looked at the table i was sitting at and it had a pattern of the exact same stars as in the first videos all over it

  3. One slight problem:
    The reaction of Mark, his friends, and the author would mean, as they act like THIS one world is a matter of life and death, that they are all characters in this ARG.
    BUT: Mark was seen 1. quitting that world 2. editing the videos 3. having a computer and interacting with browsers
    So that would imply that Mark isn't dependent on that world's existence, but he is either the computer, or a full-fledged entity outside of Minecraft. This, sadly would basically nullify the entire plot, as at that point I would have benn either much cockyer (who runs that server? is it Mark himself? if yes, why can't he give himself admin powers?) or would have quit already
    the state of existence of Mark is a question which either I didn't notice the answer(s) to, or is a plothole in the theory (if you have explanations, I would love to hear them in replies)
    Nonetheless, absolutely magnificent video, keep up the hard work! Quality over quantity!


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