Stop Using Furnaces in Minecraft

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Original video:
23 Minecraft Things You Should Use More Often


49 thoughts on “Stop Using Furnaces in Minecraft”

  1. I make a XP furnace farm using kelp which I farm around an ocean and when I have stacks of it I turn it into dried kelp blocks for a infinite fuel that also benefits for XP

  2. Instead of minig for cole just get 3 iron, make a bucket, go to the nether or a nearby lava pool, fill it up with lava and it‘ll burn 100 Blocks, while a single cole just burns 8 blocks.

  3. Furnaces are Better If you have Like alot of coal and Go afk next to many furnaces With porkchop With campfires you have to manualy replace it every 4 items and you cant smelt Like Iron so for yust Like 4 fish to eat campfires is Better but else not

  4. Nobody:
    Skip the tutorial:
    Haste potions don’t work in PVP
    Place water around your chests to prevent creepers from blowing it up instead of just placing some torches
    Use campfires instead of furnaces even though it’s literally just 8 cobblestone
    Don’t want to die in Minecraft? Just get totems of undying! (not gonna show how though)
    The easiest way to dig a hole is to make a super complex automatic flying tnt dispenser which you have to refill
    You need another automatic tnt dispenser line to find diamonds (which will take longer than just mining and the diamonds will blow up)

  5. When would you have to save furnace fuel. Coal is abundant and therefore are trees everywhere. Its not like you're saving a rare and valuable resource that takes a long time to farm.

  6. Me who has a kelp farm that uses dry kelp to make more kelp and uses that kelp to make more dried kelp then i suddenly notice that i broke the laws of thermodynamics by making a perpetual motion machine and a blackhole spawns and destroys everything: 😐


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