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fWhip is Starting his MEGA DESERT BUILD in Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 survival let’s play!! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY!
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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Survival
Hope you enjoy today's episode on the hardcore Minecraft world!! what do you think of the new expansion into the desert?
The cat reminded me of kuromi and this episode feels like a nostalgia because I was already your fan when you built the original Papyrus so I suggest you name the cat "Kuromi" 😁😁😁
ah yes, lesbian bridge /j
So cool
Looks like there was a lot more oil in New Papyrus
Cat should be called Nile
the series of vegetable puns was fantastic.
You are equal parts inspiring and infuriating, because I'd literally have to quit my job to make my world anywhere near as cool as yours.
@14:26 Maui
@6:32 of course the nitwit is still there
I want the cat to be named Elich pronounce el-eish
Bridge guardian has to be Gandalf, right? Gandalf the grey… Gandalf the meow? You shall not pass!
Haven't done much this episode… does more in one video then I've finished un my world in months lol
You cover so much ground. I'm still learning new things every video. Have you ever built a weeping willow tree? Cat name: Sneaks
Does anyone else feel that the orange and pink just… don't work? It's really jarring to me 🙁
Acacia and mangrove / orange and red maybe, but acacia and cherry and orange and pink wool are so discordant to me.
The Building with fWhip world takes me back!
This recreation is amazing job and I got the perfect name for he cat
Is it possible for you to share what mods and datapacks you are using (or does someone know if fWhip already has)? I have seen some very interesting ones that I would like to use myself if you would be so kind to share them with me.
Thank you @fwhip for ur hard work and dedication. Your videos are pure mindfulness for me 😅 even though i dont play any more i find a lot of joy ind your videos so thank you 🔥🔥
Look up other kinds of tropical trees. For example banana trees!
I hope someday you go back to the world with Papyrus and continue it
I think a baobab tree would be nice somewhere in the region.
Name the cat penny it was my nans cats name
You can add the Joshua tree, it is a small tree that grows in the desert. There arent lots of leaves either
You should name the bridge cat "Tato" 🙂
Love all the old Building with Fwhip callbacks!