SPAWN NEXT TO A TRIAL CHAMBERS 1.21 Seed Minecraft Bedrock/Java

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Could you survive the craziest Minecraft Trial Chambers in 1.21+ ?


Seed: 136206529793979548

In this video, we bring you the ultimate Minecraft challenge! – “Spawn in a Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21” Do you think you could survive it? With no daylight, scarce food, little wood but Diamonds to possibly save you! let’s see how good your skills truly are



41 thoughts on “SPAWN NEXT TO A TRIAL CHAMBERS 1.21 Seed Minecraft Bedrock/Java”

  1. I dont like the BE release, i hopped on Cubecraft for example, bows just phase through ppl, same with any other projectile… it’s so whacky, i couldn’t even get 3 wins in a row which wouldn’t be an issue before the update

  2. I have a good on best on a tiga village a bit of sail from my home I found a huge hole next to the village that leads to a lush cave if you faceing away go down through you fined a opening into a trial chamber

  3. It's a glitch. Your spawn is supposed to be higher, but there's no block for you to stand on so it puts you on the first block under you it finds. Since your spawn is over a canyon that goes very deep, you end up deep underground. I ended up in a waterfall next to a nether gate. Took a while to find the trial chamber since it's on another face of the cavern. Generate the world with a starter chest. Once you swim up the waterfalls to get out of the cave, you'll see from where it is, where you were supposed to spawn.


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