Something strange. (Minecraft animation) September 11, 2020 by Epic Dreamer Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ So what happened here was that Lukas was carrying an Ocelot that was trying to eat Luke’s Chickens and suddenly a lightning struck him and the cat and made them fuse into one being. source
I saw something like this from a Google search! Lukas seems cute with the ocelot ears and tail! Reply
Bruh, how do you do this?! You literally upload everyday! Is rigging/animating hard for you? Because it doesn’t look like it!-New Sub! Reply
Ok I'm your new subscriber you just made short animation soo it's short I never seen your up to 3.00 minutes vid but it's ok have great day Reply
Read the description if you're confused :3
ah yes the cliche
"Lightning investment trick."
That reminds me of Steven Universe bc of the fusion :3
Don't try this at home kiddos
Cómo lo haces para que se mueva el muñeco de Minecraft

Now he is real ocelot XD
Cute ocelot :33
Ohh nooo Lucas Is a Cat..

…but Cute Cat
I saw something like this from a Google search! Lukas seems cute with the ocelot ears and tail!
oof, you broke minecraft's logic a little
Ooooooooo he kitty boi now hewhewhew
Woah 0.0
O m g
Awww the cat boy ^^
Bruh, how do you do this?! You literally upload everyday! Is rigging/animating hard for you? Because it doesn’t look like it!
-New Sub!
Ok I'm your new subscriber you just made short animation soo it's short I never seen your up to 3.00 minutes vid but it's ok have great day
Ohhh can a pet him?