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One of the most unsettling Minecraft ARGs is SPCTR.zip due to its unknown origin, so enjoy this part game-theory, part Minecraft world-analysis of a video. I initially discovered this world from a YouTube video which upon watching led me down a rabbit hole of inconsistencies, puzzles, and mysteries to solve. Follow me as I try to unravel the tangled mess that is this ARG as well as share some never-before-seen videos I uncovered on the original YouTuber’s channel.
Yes, I am analyzing my own video but if you bring it up in the comments I will wholeheartedly tell you I have no idea what you are talking about. Comment it. I dare you.
This is sort of a light-hearted update video to get people up to speed on the lore of this world so I can make a more official sequel down the line, the other goal for this video was to see if I could make a video that successfully creeps people out even though it entirely takes place in creative/spectator mode. You can let me know in the description if I was successful or not. To be clear, this world and its ability to access your microphone is not real, but created to make a more interesting storyline.
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Become a Patreon and receive BTS, world downloads (including this video’s world), and early access: https://www.patreon.com/ZachOBuilds
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Original Video: https://youtu.be/5IR2IK3jfmY
Didn’t mean for this to end up so similar to @Zeemyth’s Bedrock.zip but go check out his stuff it’s great
#minecraftarg #minecrafthorror #minecraftcinematic #wifies #renderss
Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/insanity-shader
Animated Visuals: https://www.mineimator.com/
Assets: Vecteezy.com
Socials (from most to least used):
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zachobuilds
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@zachobuilds
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zachobuilds/
Lickd Music:
Get ‘One Minute To Midnight (Instrumental)’ by Richard Lacy and over 1M mainstream tracks here: https://go.lickd.co/Music
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License ID: r5XWwxddXez, https://t.lickd.co/40Ow8zpAgpM
License ID: MnWpdLYqWDO, https://t.lickd.co/9mlYbP09qao
License ID: xqOe7BaVXr4, https://lickd.lnk.to/pxuRRvID
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License ID: 7vB0EkP5rzy, https://t.lickd.co/qXL3k2mXjLR
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Sound Effects:
TV SWITCH OFF – TV TURN OFF – TV SHUTDOWN.wav by SkyernAklea — https://freesound.org/s/519627/ — License: Attribution 4.0
Tape Rewind – Sound Effect.mp3 by NikPlaymostories — https://freesound.org/s/561857/ — License: Creative Commons 0
One Minute to Midnight by Richard Lacy [00:00 – 00:33]
Sheer Drop by Richard Lacy [00:34 – 03:57]
Submersion by Kevin Browne [03:58 – 05:55]
Urgent Questions by Philip Guyler [06:18 – 08:37]
Mysteries by Richard Lacy [08:35 – 11:31]
Mystery Train by David Obrien [11:40 – 13:10]
Flowing Time by Philip Guyler [13:08 – 15:07]
According to Plan by Luke Richards [15:02 – 15:41]
The Monster Within by Luke Richards [15:34 – 16:29]
A Disturbed Individual by Luke Richards [16:30 – 20:24]
Ticking Along by Karl Solve Steven [20:25 – 21:41]
Beautiful Circuits by Glen Gabriel Jansson [21:32 – 24:36]
The Monster Within by Luke Richards [24:45 – 26:22]
0:00 The Video
9:15 The Theory
13:00 The World
25:15 The End
Zeemyth: *clearly established that a different YouTuber made the 2nd video by giving their name and skin*
Zachobuilds: dissociative identity disorder go brrrrrr
This is def inspired by zeemyth
I love the way he says "waaaat"
Bashing urself so effortlessly lmao
Bro ripped off Zeemyth
Reminds me of zenomyth who did the same thing 😂
The dead world calls.
A new life enters.
Just for its light to be snuffed out.
A dead world filled with dead things to make more death.
A loop that never ends.
Man… can't you pass it?
look i think he made it for the video
did anybody else notice how the video he's watching in the video seems to be paused at the start although the footage still goes on, even when he points out a time?
it may be an editing error but i think it's worth noting
The dawn of dusk was not htat scary just a lot of torch placing and echos ;P
12:36 yooo, thanks for including me! glad i fell for your video lol. i asked friends who knew more and they said it was just an awesome arg, but ty!! what i said still rings true that id support ya if i could. have a good one
He… tried to debunk… himself.
That's just pathetic.
I've noticed mixed reviews in the comments. I think it would've been wise to make a second channel for this "debunk"– and for the paying money thing, definitely not a good idea.
Good luck on your future endeavors!!
The unlisted vid is on yt music for some reason lol
“I’ve never said Zebra before”
You did say it. You should have put it in and not said the word at all.
bro is making a video about his own video😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
the book writes back to you me: " I HOW TF DID THAT HAPPEN DUDE >:[ IM CONFUSED"
/effect @p night_vision 255 255
We need someone to solve this ARG bruh 😭🙏
chop chop story boy, time to debunk this one too
its prob in the green version
the url dosnt work
Bedrock floor and ceiling? Looks like nether generation. Or cave type of the world
I couldn't find the video, so I tried the link and even searched up the video on YouTube myself. I can't find it.😢
If you have a camera in your room remove it
Oh my fucking god it's the Zeemyth Bedrock video all over again lmfao, we eating well tonight horror enjoyers!
(I genuinely mean no disrespect btw, those are some of my favourite zeemyth vids, this is awesome.)
dude, you're way too good at this. this is so nauseating to watch (in the best way possible). love this!! 🤘🏻
6:50 relemur also spells lemure
By far one of the most creative Minecraft ARGs out there
16:16 and it was at that point I realised I hadn’t checked which channel had uploaded this video
i love how similar yet different to zeemyth's series is. i can't wait to see more!!
BRO NO WAY i just tried to find your channel yesterday cause i remembered you and wanted to see if you posted anything but couldnt find it and now im recommended this
anyone wondering why when he talks ab the video it says 3.10 in length but when he links it at the end its 2.14 in legth?
the MISSED changed to MISSxD in the book after throwing it down the hole
18:21 what was that is the corner