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6 months later…
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💡Comment your thoughts and what I should build next!
I sunk everything I could into this video! From the design, to the build, to the graphics and editing, this video was 100% effort all the way. In hindsight, I may have done a couple things differently, but I’m still overall very happy with how everything turned out. I hope you enjoyed it too!
Thank you to Pacific Bean for letting me use his beautiful steampunk flowers. Check out his Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thepacificbean/
0:00 – What the heck is Solarpunk?
0:40 – Timelapse Begins!
1:49 – Main Infrastructure
3:06 – Delta District
5:34 – Prominence Pier
8:44 – Radiant Reservoir
11:01 – More Buildings
13:03 – Kloro Key
16:40 – Still More Buildings
17:56 – Zenith Zone
19:37 – Skyscrapers
23:38 – Epic Reveal!
26:16 – Flyover
Mods: World Edit, Axiom, ReplayMod, Bobby
Shaders: Complementary Reimagined, BSL, Insanity
Not sure if ai needs attribution but the solarpunk images in the intro were generated by ChatGPT.
I am overwhelmed by all of the positive comments! Thank you so much 💛Sub 4 more epicness!
Epic build I cant even comprehend the amount of dedication it takes to make something this amazing
This guy is skilled in architecture and planning, i really enjoyed this and learned so much myself.
This is absolutely stunning and amazing.
This actually makes me emotional? I wish places like this, built for people to thrive and enjoy their lives, could actually exist.
Vincent Callebout!!!!
This is just…. WOW! So beautifully done! YOu can be so proud of yourself. I'd love to see your build in real life :O
Imagine some underground bases.
Terus berkarya bro
This is gorgeous 😍 loved Solarpunk for a long time, you’ve captured it perfectly
I just realized that minecraft doesnt have HUGE lights that travel many blocks. it be nice for big builds like this
I love how you combined different materials here. The design flows so well—really inspiring!
I love this
This is amazing, I usually don't like more modern themes for minecraft, I usually feel that medieval is the way to go, but Solarpunk is such a nice build style. Well done, deserves a like from me
Loved the video! The lore added so much to the city and made it believable! I would love to see the same style of video but for a cyberpunk city 😀
I wish builds like this would include the create mod because their railing system is just too nice
This is not only a big big build but a big peach of art ❤
WOW! this video is underrated… this is really awesome!
Wow! Completely blown away by this. You did a fantastic job!
as a level designer in games, i am freaking blown away by the creativity and passion
Has anyone found the clue in the stonemason’s house? Help 😅
This is insane
i'm gonna start my 2 week minecraft phase and built this in survival mode now.
So beautiful, i subbed.
would love to see a solarpunk game in the style of cyberpunk2077 where you fight oil farmers by night and tend to your gardens by day
No way in HELL this guy does all that sober
More Solar-Cyber than solar-punk really