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Today I Joined a GIRLS only Minecraft Server… I literally joined a girls only Minecraft server and had to prove i was a girl! This was such a horrible yet hilarious idea. What should i do next time i join the girls only Minecraft server?
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SERVER: Anubis.gg
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Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SharkMerch
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INSTAGRAM – @09sharkboy
✔️ LIFEOFSHARK ➨ http://bit.ly/2oicAMr
✔️ SHARKPLAYS ➨http://bit.ly/2sYYF0H
✔️ SHARKSLAB ➨ http://bit.ly/2gRp4YW
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Rich Girls will be like eww poor build ew ugly build
A shark sevre
You did 1 time
I hate teddy bears
I love you Shark
Oh my, Shark u forgot to change your screen name before joining so that could be a reason why she gotten a but sus of you…..also I would have used blue n purple blocks instead of pink but thats just me
Kars cars for
Boys only sever
I would want him as my helper I’m a. Noob at mine craft
I love your videos shark
Message for EVERYONE!!!
Don't, and I mean DON'T, don't date someone who laughs at your stuffed animals and plush toys because when you were upset, they weren't there, but your fluffy friends sure were!
I am a big fan ogmyiu shark!
shark can you bo shabots and the shack omge plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i love to bp shodots plz 🙂 thx
Join a boys only minecraft sever as a girl
Can I have a shout out
Don’t learn
is anyone gonna talk about how preston made a video EXACTLY like this including many others?
Safe for the first question pink concrete and for the second question hairbrush or make up
Wait why do people get kicked out for not being a good builder? Like there’s people who can’t do everything perfectly so that’s pretty much insulting the people who can’t build or do art very well. Just because it’s ugly doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist and I know Shark was just placing blocks on purpose but I think everyone’s building skills are cool.