So I Found 9 Viral Ways to Craft BREAD In Minecraft…

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

So I Found 9 Viral Ways to Craft BREAD In Minecraft…

I found 9 new ways to craft bread inside Minecraft that can lead to some pretty interesting outcomes depending on the quality of bread that we craft!

Bionic – So I beat Dream in Minecraft…

PrestonPlayz – 7 New Ways to Craft with LAVA in Minecraft!

People who helped created this map!
Discord – Michaell#9662

#viral #crafting #minecraft


39 thoughts on “So I Found 9 Viral Ways to Craft BREAD In Minecraft…”

  1. When you try to make a cool and thumbnail and you end up using a poo πŸ’© software editing app and all you do is pull up three diamonds and one piece of bread and put the bread on top of them. No offense Bahri


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