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So I Coded a 100 Player Minecraft Competition… In this video I used code to alter a minecraft mod live while 100 players were playing on it. This was hilarious! I really hope you’ll like this one!
Twitch (I STREAM A LOT): https://www.twitch.tv/fundy
Twitter (FUNNY STUFF): https://twitter.com/fundylive
Discord: https://discord.gg/fundy
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#Fundy #Minecraft #100
Take a fckin shot every single time he says "Oh MY GOD" "Yesss"
He believes he is coding xd
Fundy has officially gone mad with power he is much too powerful and needs to be stopped! FUNDY I CHALLENGE YOU… INVITE US ONTO A SERVER AND DO UR WORST TO SEE IF WE BEAT YOU!
Look at that, right on my birthday.
Atleast he didn't leave us for a month
Hi Fundy i really really love your videos and watch them daily
Here is a challenge for you 🙂
Pls take it
So you have to make a mod
Where villagers are more intelligent 🧠🧠 than actual one they should mine chop trees and plant new ones the villages should be more modern and fancy and I want you to should salute and knee down when we go near to them
And I also want you to add your own creativity and ideas about it
Please 🙏❤️ Fundy
This video is cute and funny! 😍
You can make boots locust a is another white boots and down yusuf it is slime is have lot of abilities you can jump on you can run really fast you can had activity is could squeeze are you can kill videos like squishy well if you just make a whole like 5 by 5 even if you got disability schools jumping giant you can spawn a minions minions are you can charge up and make a jumping giant mary and you mans minion minion thousand minions can trust you need a fight and pc you need a five five 5000 gopro because it's going to login question game you can kill 20 players close to each other honest heart damage is 4 moana i heart damage is will powerful events about positivity you can tell slime into rocket launcher or different items want to kill people even you can jump really high that's it la
I respect everyone who were involved in this, Seriously the best piece that I' ve ever seen on YouTube,HATS OFF TO WELL ALL ! LOVE YOUR VIDEO..
what is the music at 4:02 i like it
1:43 he was another maid-fundy-guy he totally deserves that
6:24 man what a laugh🤣
I spent 3 mins typing the secret link at 0:12 and in the end I got Rick rolled
add dificulty mom mode
Fundy likes chaos 👍
he spoiled hunger games for me 😥
Ur description says I stream a lot
Last stream 7 months ago when u streamin again
next fundy video be like: today i coded farts into minecraft!
Why are u angry when someone not subscribed
6:25 goofy ahh laugh 💀
Your a murderer 😂
You are not a small kid you are a big buffalo 🐃🦬
Can you do a dumb minecraft ideas again pls
I wonder how much time you needed to code 100 players
Happy Birthday
Make the flames of amaterasu from naruto
When Fundy gets good at coding: Makes life hell for his fans.
Meaning you would literally download mods for other people in there pc
you monsta
I subed